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Thread: Sharks in the news

  1. #16

    Re: Sharks in the news

    Quote Originally Posted by ozbee View Post
    grey nurse shark numbers in north queensland are quite plentiful . what a waste of money in some areas there numbers are so thick you cant get a fish to the boat.but eh whos counting them they aint the brightest fish in the sea. they all have degrees and no brains.there just aint that many shark eaters up here so there pretty safe.
    Yep what the other guy said Ozbee Nth limit would be off Fraser island in winter! Although there numbers are not as low as a certain epa girl would have us all believe!
    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  2. #17

    Re: Sharks in the news

    sorry to disappoint you but there is a strong colony just off the coast not out on the reef on the 20 ft drop off on the sandy beaches just south of townsville been there for at least known over 100 years. when monofliment nets were introduced in the seventies instead of nylon cord wasn't uncommon to have fiffty dead ones in a night pro fishing

  3. #18

    Re: Sharks in the news

    there are plenty off Double Is. point....Wolf rock is a diving spot famous for the grey nurse. it's a tad further north than Bris.

  4. #19

    Re: Sharks in the news

    I may be wrong (not that that has ever happened before!) but I always thought grey nurse sharks migrated north in the winter to about as far north as SE Qld area? In summer I have never seen any grey nurse sharks off the coast in SE Qld, this time of year there are many.

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