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Cheap Chinese Boats
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Thread: Cheap Chinese Boats

  1. #1

    Cheap Chinese Boats

    Hey all, Just thought I'd bring this to everyone's attention

    Some probably know, and others probably don't know, but China's shipyard industry is booming at the moment with most of the larger companies preferring to get boats built there, then shipped to be distributed. Now, an example of this is the new Boston whaler 345, for all the glory they represent, the company charges close to 380,000$ aus for the stand issue of the boat. However, as my recent trip to my friends shipyard in china revealed, buying the boats directly from the manufacturer, some what illegal but only for a mere $25,000 for the hull with it being decked out with all the companies stand issues except without the engine/s Now, I don't know about you all, but a boat like a Boston whaler, which historically, is one of the worst most sturdiest boats, being sold for 25 grand, without warranty is a bargain non the less. And the 5000$ shipping fee is not alot to pay for a world class boat.

    Anyway, don't have the money for it not yet at least, but I'd just thought I'd let everyone know the massive up marketing that the corporate giants charge for boats that cost not even a fraction of there sale price.

    Think about it, Tim

  2. #2
    Ausfish Gold Member
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    Re: Cheap Chinese Boats

    I'm thinking about it and I reckon the fact that they are doing that sucks big time.

    Lets just get everything from China including warranty's and see how everyone goes

    Aussie business owner and proud of it

  3. #3

    Re: Cheap Chinese Boats

    mate i think a couple of the larger tinny manufacturers are already looking at it if not doing it which will mean the smaller local guys will just get blown out of the water which is the sad part

  4. #4
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: Cheap Chinese Boats

    It doesn't surprise me. China's quality has been improving markedly, and their economies of scale are staggering. They are fast becoming the manufacturing powerhouse of the planet - get used to this, it will happen more and more.

    Local manufacturers will either have to adapt by finding niches not covered by the mass produced stuff, or go into Tourism/service/receivership.

    I'm all for supporting local business, but if I can save 5 or 10 grand (how long does it take to earn that much?) and warranty/service are certain, I will.


    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member boatboy50's Avatar
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    Feb 2004

    Re: Cheap Chinese Boats


    I don't know how accurate your information is, but I doubt it is exactly the same as the Boston Whaler. More likely a very similar flop with very different build qualities and procedures.

    Whaler is owned by Brunswick corp (Mercury), and i'm sure the US has rules about US manufacturing outsourcing their product from overseas and then selling them in the US. I'm sure it's not allowed, and Brunswick is renowned as being a US giant. No way their government would allow it to happen if the rules do exist.



    P.S. I have nothing to back up my info apart from heresay from US sites. I could be proven wrong.

  6. #6

    Re: Cheap Chinese Boats

    A mate of mine has been working with an Aussie company to finalise the design etc of a new 60' cruiser/game fishing boat. As I understand from him, the hull and superstructure will be made in China then shipped out here where Aussies will install engines etc. and finish the boats. As Kingfish said, HUGE savings getting the hulls made in China.


  7. #7

    Re: Cheap Chinese Boats

    My thinking would be along the same lines as Boatboy50, but it won't be long until the rules are changed, if indeed they aren't already trying to change.

    I believe Australian manufacturers across all sectors will be taking a huge hit, really bloody soon, IMO. Most Australian manufacturers will never be able to compete on price, but where I believe they can is by making a far superior item, with top quality materials, with superior warrantees/guarantees, and top notch, and I mean top notch customer service. I know I would buy something that is made in Australia with a 7 year warranty, as opposed to a 1 year job from China.But only if I knew that it is was made with top quality materials, and was supporting Australian jobs, with all the criteria pointed out above, and that they would honour there warranty without trying to duck shove as some company's do. I mean you only have to look at Haines Hunter with a $200 anchor hatch on Fishnet, bloody unbelievable.I believe if that what I said isn't implemented, and people try to compete on price, they will get crushed by the China juggernaut, once again just my opinion.

  8. #8
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    May 2007

    Re: Cheap Chinese Boats

    Quote Originally Posted by boatboy50 View Post

    I don't know how accurate your information is, but I doubt it is exactly the same as the Boston Whaler. More likely a very similar flop with very different build qualities and procedures.

    Whaler is owned by Brunswick corp (Mercury), and i'm sure the US has rules about US manufacturing outsourcing their product from overseas and then selling them in the US. I'm sure it's not allowed, and Brunswick is renowned as being a US giant. No way their government would allow it to happen if the rules do exist.



    P.S. I have nothing to back up my info apart from heresay from US sites. I could be proven wrong.
    Boat boy i think you are right about it being a Boston knock off but dont kid yourself about any rules stopping US companies from remarketing O/S made products. US companies for years have been getting stuff made in Mexico and selling as "USA Made" Germans too. China has an imerging aerospace industry and large portions of both Airbus and Boeings are being made there to incorperate in final assembly in Europe & US. Add to that golf clubs etc etc

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Re: Cheap Chinese Boats

    Maybe we should also buy Chinese petrol or diesel at a fraction of the cost to run them on.

    My experience with all things chinese (apart from food) is that the quality is just not there yet and when their workers wake up to themselves, realise they are being ripped off and get organised it will all change, then all the manufacturing will move on to the next third world country.
    Straight after the war all the cheap crappy stuff used to be made in Japan, then Singapore then Taiwan now its China and India.

  10. #10

    Re: Cheap Chinese Boats

    Saving a few bucks is all most people worry about, shows how dumb we really are.
    Boats are a huge luxury and if you can afford the luxury you can afford to keep some jobs in Australia.
    Look ahead, how cheap will this junk be when we are all working for $1.50 a day?
    We should proudly buy Australian and keep some jobs here.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jul 2006

    Re: Cheap Chinese Boats

    I don't doubt for a second that new rigs would be illegally, well, is it illegal? a breach of commercial contract maybe, sold out the door of the factories in China. Of course the likes of Brunswick would be seriously pissed if they knew but then again, they would have to factor into the equation of setting up shop there that a percentage of boats will be sold out the back door. They couldn't possibly think that it wouldn't happen. UNLESS, they have several Brunswick staff in key positions in the company in China.

    Brunswick have set up for outboard manufacturing also in China. Everything under 60hp I am told will all be chinese made and over 60hp is US made. Interesting thinking that, I gather below 60hp is not of real concern to the company and they can afford those engines to perhaps have some issues but the higher hp units they want more control over. Or perhaps this is the trial run and if the below 60 stuff works out reliable then they may build all their engines there.

    Or as mentioned they could be selling knockoffs, built from the same moulds but not the same quality.

    ALTHOUGH, for that price of 25K they could be flogging genuine boats. When pricing to build some 26ft yachts we arrived at $12k as a basic build cost with no profit. Now thats here in Oz, so a heap cheaper in China.

    Nope, I reckon that it would be the genuine article for 25K. Easily doable.


  12. #12

    Re: Cheap Chinese Boats

    Quote Originally Posted by pedrodepacus View Post
    mate i think a couple of the larger tinny manufacturers are already looking at it if not doing it which will mean the smaller local guys will just get blown out of the water which is the sad part
    I have "heard" this aswell from sources that are in china regularly. Apparently Quintrex or Quintrex knock offs (couldn't tell) are being made in China. Can anyone confirm? I have also heard rumors of other big plate and tinny companies are trying to source suppliers or factories that can make their boats. As with anything coming out of china there is very good and very bad. If the companies can keep quality control up we are likely to see good quality cheap boats which is a definite plus. Of coarse everybody has the right as a consumer to buy what they want and if its Aussie made your after then I'm sure there will still be a good boating industry in Australia to provide good quality boats

  13. #13
    Ausfish Premium Member TimiBoy's Avatar
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    Re: Cheap Chinese Boats

    Don't you just love how people tell you how (and where) you should spend your money?

    The idea that China only makes crap is antiquated. There are more and more businesses in China recognising that quality is something they can provide and still make a tidy profit. Their Government clearly recognises that they can be the Economic Powerhouse of the World if they get all their ducks in a row. They will. They can do everything cheaper than we can, and the quality culture there is growing, as it did in Japan, Korea, Thailand, etc. There are many quality products on the world stage made in those countries, particularly in Japan, as you all well know.

    The reality (take time to sound out and understand that word, folks) is that China and India will monster us in the manufacturing world. Most companies in manufacturing in Oz needs to be innovating, finding a niche where they can survive, or getting out soon. THAT... IS... REALITY...

    No point complaining about it when your market disappears and all the jobs go. That will change nothing. Whinge about it all you want, it is what IT IS. Adapt or die. It's been happening for years, and it ain't going to stop.

    It's a friggin' jungle out there!


    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Jul 2006

    Re: Cheap Chinese Boats

    Quote Originally Posted by TimiBoy View Post
    The reality (take time to sound out and understand that word, folks) is that China and India will monster us in the manufacturing world. Most companies in manufacturing in Oz needs to be innovating, finding a niche where they can survive, or getting out soon. THAT... IS... REALITY...

    Dead right there Timi, dead right..

    My sister is an engineer for GE Plastics (part of GE global) here in Melb and their manufacturing was recently shut down. All offshore production now in Asia.

    I guess fortunately, Asian manufacturers are generally only making "mainstream articles" which leaves the more complex or niche market manufacturing intact here in Oz. But anyone here in the manufacturing sector that isn't actively looking to secure their future by changing course in some way out of a mainstream product will be gone inside of 10 yrs or less.

    I wonder what Australia will do when we don't manufacture anymore?? Koala patting tourism trips? Ride a kangaroo?

    Bad time to be in manufacturing and an even worse time to be in the marine trade. If I were a boatbuilder I reckon I'd be very concerned..


  15. #15

    Re: Cheap Chinese Boats

    Flops and copies have been the normal path for boatbuilding here in Oz for decade's.

    Now we have an overseas company doing near the same thing but if the prices are correct but seem without the outrageous profit margins per unit when out the factory door.

    Wages in manufacture are are but a small component of the end sell price, next to insignificate in relation, if they can sell at that price it's because they have slashed the 3rd world expected profit margin, nothing much more than that IMO, the extrordinay discrepency in pricing points absolutly in that direction.

    A free market is a free market I guess to have it bothways would make it no longer a free market?

    Interesting times ahead, esp when some fellow decides to import these uses the true cost of initial purchase/import to benchmark a selling price here in australia.

    Did you know the chinese government subsides fuel at the bowser to the populace. At something like less than $1aud per litre. ..just interesting to know, the more that know the better

    cheers fnq

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