I Agree Nothing You Buy From China Lasts Its All Crap Crap Crap Coop
I Agree Nothing You Buy From China Lasts Its All Crap Crap Crap Coop
The joyride does seem to be over, what outsider said regarding the price of many retail commodities plummeting in price over time offsetting (official) rampant inflation at the household door is finally coming to a head....it's now too late for a managed approach reflecting the true cost of living to stop this compression wave.
House prices have officially dropped in all states, the first time since the depression! - the first time since the depression!!!, interest rates are to go up again soon, we were managed by entrepreneurs for the last 10 years, they believed in the magical trickle down precept to just make it all ok it didn't happen.
Will a 3rd world (or the north) slowdown also affect the Chinese. Taiwanese etc who are value adding our raw materials! If there is a turn down in the minerals we will no longer have any legs underneath us, talk about a managed elitist highflying house of cards they built for us this last 10 years!!!
cheers fnq
Spot on FNQ. The piper is about to be paid - big time.
Well I can't fix the world but I can tell you that Deep Vee on the Gold Coast are getting their fibreglass work done in China; hulls, consoles, etc.
I'm not sure whether the boat is then assembled in China or the parts shipped back here.
Either way - they identified quite some years ago that to remain competitive in the luxury boat market they had to reduce costs - hence China.
I've seen a couple and when you compare them to the old blackwatches - or Deep Vees for that matter - well![]()
On another note - why buy anything new. Wait a few more months or even a year and when the slide really turns into a crash you'll be able to pick and choose from thousands of second hand boats at next to nothing prices.
All those people that took advantage of their "ëquity" from the family home etc will be back peddalling faster than the value of the US Peso to put the cash back into things that really matter.
Take a look at the market in the States for second hand bigger cruisers and game boats - it's flooded and cheap. It's already happening here but not to the same extent.
LOL, get out your umbrella Mate, the sky is falling on your head!
Prices in Brisbane fell 2% in 1995, and I know it's happened elsewhere at times since the depression. Yes we are in for some tougher times than we've had for the last ten, but I hardly think we need prepare for armageddon.
People just need to be smart. A lot haven't over the last few years, and will be bitten hard. But for those who've kept their brains out of their trousers, most will cope fine, and some will do very well. There will be lots of bargains out there, while the overstretched pull in their belts.
I predict that in another year or so we will be seeing stable inflation, possibly a fall in interest rates, and a subdued recovery. I doubt that Oz will even hit recession status.
Yes, the world will look different. We might even see a move toward the $Euro from the $US. But our commodities will still be pouring into Asia, and we will still be riding that boom, as we will for many years to come.
Stop believing everything the media says. Remember they tell us what they think will sell their product. Nothing more. And vote with your head, not your heart.
Whoa there, people!
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
"Stop believing everything the media says".
Excellent advice.
If the media is to be used as an analytical tool and acted upon, then disaster will surely follow the reader. Much of it is 'feel good' stuff and causes us to believe that our houses will always rise in value, credit is always available and superannuation is absolutely guaranteed to give you a nice retirement.
Why not buy another big boat, car or house? Hell, let's get em all.
The news is just catching up on what has been evident behind the scene since last March to October.
I've got umbrellas sticking up all over the place and am sheltering under the largest of them![]()
I think Tim's right, things have been so good for the past ten years it can get a lot worse and still be pretty good.
Some people are probably going to learn that borrowing as much as the bank is willing to lend and randomly buying 'investment properties' wasn't such a good move but that was always going to happen.
As for china and india they're a lot of competition but the growth they're going through is also generating enormous amounts of consumers - now we've just got to concentrate on finding something to sell them
I've worked in the electronics industry for 22 years now and I can tell you it is almost condisered trendy to say you get your circuit boards made in China, in fact one customer has moved up there to run his production, and enjoy the finer things in his life
In Aus we need to make about 25% margin to keep above opex, and pay the bills to effectively show a return on the capital we invest in the business, as opposed to say putting money in the bank, which is quite viable at the moment.
Because in China they have low tax, and wages, they operate off 5 to 7% gross profit margins, and they can dictate the conditions for the workers, where here if you don't like the colour of the toilet paper you can protest.![]()
I am not saying I agree with their mentality, but thats how they succeed now. One customer tells the Chinese manufacturer to make 10,000 boards in 2 lots, he only uses about 7000 per annum. Thing is they are about a third of the price, so he does a simple test, and drills down to about the 7000 that are known good, and it costs him about half the cost it would to have them done locally.![]()
Frankly it does not surprise me that more and more manufacturers are going offshore to China and India.. it simply costs less, and provides the owners or share holders better profitability![]()
Before you jump down my neck, wouldn't you do the same ? if Shell had petrol for $1.50 a litre, and Xhung Phao petrol inc down the road had it for $1.40, you would drive the 1.5km to buy the cheaper one.. We are all guilty![]()
Beer is the only thing I reckon they will never send OS to be made, well not mine anyway, I make my own![]()
If men are from Mars, and women are from Venus, politicians must be from uranus ?![]()
One thing that nobody mentioned so far is the freightcost.I can land a 40 foot container from china under $1000 full of stuff.Have you tried bring a boat up from melbourne lately?
At Heaven's gate a soldier stood,
his story ready to tell,
St Peter said, 'no need my son all is understood,
Go right in cos you've already served your time in Hell'
It's pretty scary what is happening in Bejing.. Because of it, we can get a brand new mountain bike with 16 gears and frame/fork springs for under $100.00 They were more expensive than that in 1969.. A new Dragstar was $120.00.![]()
But they can't possibly keep up those sort of prices and also maintain any sort of quality..
Last edited by KGW3; 14-07-2008 at 01:55 PM. Reason: Bddd spelinjg
I visit china on a regular basis for my own business. It is a eye opener to say the least. There quilty is getting better, but, as with many other business owners I know, we mostly have (employ) our own QC persons or companies. Speaking of Chinese boats, Here are a few pics of a 6m c/c fibreglass hull I am thinking of importing. These hulls are complete minus engine and electronics. Foam filled with cable steering, canopy, bowrails, fuel tanks, live bait.....
Attachment 30778
Attachment 30779
Attachment 30780
Hope these work ,as I have never attached pics before.
These weren't designed by the Chinese, however they are good copiers. It looks like an American style.
You wouldn't beleive the price if I told you.![]()
ok news update from me... James... my other friend, bought the 345 with extra features from the shipyard in china for 50 grand. Costed around $3400 to ship it to Melbourne. He's trial run was on sunday, he said it was perfect.
So he pratically saved around what? 430,000$?
One of these!!!!!!!!
Here is a price:
would be interesting to hear just how he fitted it up, to assume a final cost.
cheers fnq