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There was a lot of confusion in regards to the new rules...some people read them as you could still target them (catch and release), but others read it as you couldnt.
There is a 9 page thread on another fishing forum in regards to this which lead the moderators to contact the DPI/F and get final clarification. As it turned out you can not target them at all.
This is a small step in protecting the spawning fish, but it needs to go another step as the trawlers that rape our rivers do more damage in one morning then all the rec anglers could do in a year. Surely the trawlers must be the next target for the DPI/F to consider themselves as being serious about this matter.
EDIT : You can still fish the impoundments, but since the location you were fishing is not listed as one of those impoundments (even though that area has been heavily stocked for the past 3-4 years) they are off limits.