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Thread: Big W Bass

  1. #16

    Re: Big W Bass


    The longer kayak (Hobie Adventure) has a big front hatch area and a large rear cargo section. So plenty of room for fish there. Once you catch a couple of good fish your arms are usually dead - so you'll want to head in anyway.

    Hobie Outback 2012 &
    Hobie Oasis 2012

  2. #17

    Re: Big W Bass - The Adventure Continues

    Was back out at Big W again on Wednesday with a mate chasing the big bass. The weather looked great when we arrived...calm, flat and sunny

    Trolled a couple of TN70 Jackalls to my spot X. As I approach spot X one of the rods got slammed. After a short fight pulled a 43cm Bass aboard.

    Once the 43cm was photographed and released was back into it again and trolling to 2nd spot X. About 10 minutes later the same rod got slammed big time and the rod nearly broke in 2. After quite a energetic 10 minute flight with the fish doing circles and dives, aboard came my new PB bass of 53cm. She was a big fat fish too.

    A little while after the winds came up and blew for the rest of the trip, which also saw the fish go off the bite. We saw pklenty of fish on the sounders. But nothing was interested in our offerings.


    Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Click image for larger version. 

Name:	P7300008 (Small).jpg 
Views:	40 
Size:	55.7 KB 
ID:	31990  
    Hobie Outback 2012 &
    Hobie Oasis 2012

  3. #18

    Re: Big W Bass

    Great Stuff, which side of the dam were you fishing?

  4. #19

    Re: Big W Bass

    thats some nice bass you got there mate well done. im looken at geten a kayak to go bass fishen in how much did you pay for yours.

    cheers davo

  5. #20

    Re: Big W Bass


    Thanks. Over near Platypus Cliffs.

    shorty 01,

    The Hobie Outback was second hand and cost around $1700 about a year back. Though I added some other stuff since then (extra rod holders, small sounder, etc.). The Hobie's are a top fishing platform - particularly with the pedals, which leaves your hands free to play the fish. Attached is a pic of it.


    Hobie Outback 2012 &
    Hobie Oasis 2012

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