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Thread: No water from engine

  1. #1

    No water from engine

    I was stuck in the mud last night, soon after i found there is no water came out from the engine. My engine is 25 hrs Yamaha, I wonder i can repair the damage my self.

  2. #2

    Re: No water from engine

    When our motor got weed stuck in it, we used an air compressor and shot air up from the motor stucks the water in and that worked, prob not the best way to do it but it worked!!!!!!

  3. #3

    Re: No water from engine

    Have you tried giving it some back pressure?

  4. #4

    Re: No water from engine

    Mate Im always clogging my 97 25 Yamaha in the mud.

    I bought that particilar outboard because its relatively easy to fix. (depending on whats clogged up.)

    Mates of mine have had real dramas with other outs boards having to pull them apart a little more than I'd like to on the water in "crocish" waters. You obviously cant run it far when no waters getting through because it could overheat and kill your motor. Luckily on mine the place it actually gets stuck is right at the outlet I'll post a picture of what you need to do if they are the same model.

    "There is certainly something in fishing that tends to produce a gentleness of spirit, a pure serenity of mind."

  5. #5

    Re: No water from engine

    try reverse flushing from the tell tale, usually will free it up.

  6. #6

    Re: No water from engine

    before you start pulling things to bits, try all the easy stuff first, like remove the tell tale hose at the outlet and see if it is blocked, this is where it usually does, failing that, then maybe make up a fitting that will reduce your garden hose size, so you can backwash it a bit.

  7. #7

    Re: No water from engine

    Notice the tubing thats been pulled off the nipple. hang that out the back and run your motor (either in the water or with the muffs on) and poke something throught the nipple to make sure thats clear. (I used a bit of trace or big mono as its always around or specifically in my boat tool box for this very reason.) then connect it all up and see if it works.

    "There is certainly something in fishing that tends to produce a gentleness of spirit, a pure serenity of mind."

  8. #8

    Re: No water from engine

    deleted....Ausfish does not own my thoughts and opinions

  9. #9

    Re: No water from engine

    Thank you, the problem has been solved. I did the reverse flush.

  10. #10

    Re: No water from engine

    great news, glad it worked out for you.

  11. #11

    Re: No water from engine

    another happy customer.

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