Funny you mention the getting stung while picking them up behind the eyes snapperbasher, That's how I've been doing it for years, and I've never been stung, just lucky I guess.
I remember about 10 years ago now, me and a few mates used to go down the the local jetty on Lake Illawarra and catch big stingrays, net them, cut off their tail and using the tip of a knife, write our names and date caught on the head by scraping the slime and let them go. Over a couple of months 1 ray was caught 12 times, with each capture haveing the fisho name and date etched in it back. Though I don't do that anymore, I still cut larger ones off cos its just easier to tie another hook on than trying to lift the bastard, but smaller ones are brought into the boat no worries.
Up here the shark fishermen use small whole, live rays no bigger than dinner plate to catch tigers from the beaches.