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Thread: Best Fishing Movie Ever... well we like it

  1. #1

    Best Fishing Movie Ever... well we like it

    In 2006, 2007 and 2008 'Team Atlanta' make the treck to HatHead just south of South West Rocks NSW.
    We video each year and make our own personal dvds.
    Due to popular demand weve decided to release 2007 on Youtube.
    There are 11 parts to this dvd. Below is each PART for you to look at from 1 - 11.
    Part 10 and 11 are deleted scenes and slide show.

    This is a movie of 4 guys (PEANUT Mitch / LATSY Brett / CHEWY Allen / MOREHEAD Nath) who dont claim to be great fisho's, but we have fun. Hope you all enjoy it.


    PART - 1

    PART - 2

    PART - 3

    PART - 4

    PART - 5

    PART - 6

    PART - 7

    PART - 8

    PART - 9

    PART - 10

    PART - 11

    Ive just uploaded our Blue Eye movie as well.

  2. #2

    Re: Best Fishing Movie Ever... well we like it

    Great trip. Ben

  3. #3

    Re: Best Fishing Movie Ever... well we like it

    Awesome trip and good footage, I was in the boat with you!!

  4. #4

    Re: Best Fishing Movie Ever... well we like it

    That was awesome, well done.

  5. #5

    Re: Best Fishing Movie Ever... well we like it

    that last one looks like hard work... great videos and great times...

  6. #6

    Re: Best Fishing Movie Ever... well we like it

    $#@#ing awesome vids. Brought a tear to my eye. Used to do the same thing each year when I lived in Newcastle. Best spot on the east coast. Did ya get up to grassy for a crack at the spotties??

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