On the subject of PFDs'.... would this be a suitable style/price for estruary/smooth water fishing?? I have no intentions of taking my little boat out over any bars any time soon.
you buy the best regardless of price
you are prepared to sacrifice some safety features for price
you buy the cheapest you can get 'cos you have to have it'
you don't buy all the mandatory safety gear
On the subject of PFDs'.... would this be a suitable style/price for estruary/smooth water fishing?? I have no intentions of taking my little boat out over any bars any time soon.
Not worth the gamble of skimping!
The manual inflatables like the one in the link are fine. Easy to wear and you see them being used more and more.
I am going to look at getting some for my boat as well. The only downside is they apparently require regular maintenance on the inflation mechanism (CO2 canister) and must be serviced by an authorised agent. I have heard of boaties being fined for having them with the service ticket being out of date. I need to research this aspect further.
There are automatic inflating versions too, but I am not convinced they are the safest option (Don't want them inflating too early if you are caught under the boat for example!).