Hi all,
I was at Peel yesterday (beautiful day), but no fish of size - fished for about 8hrs from 6am. Went from south west tip to the top of the western side and could not catch anything that was size. I have looked at the forums on Peel and people are saying that you can catch anything from shark to whiting......but where??
I know I might be asking too much, but to get the missus off my back about always not bringing anything home and spending heaps on fuel etc, can anybody give me some general directions on where to go, what depth, bait and what time of the day is best around Peel Island? A GPS mark would be great too if that is not too much to ask??
I know there must be fish over there to brag about, but just do not know how/when to catch them without some local knowledge.......any help would be muchly appreciated!!!
Sorry but I am just getting sick and tired of not catching anything of size?