Headed over to the mouth of Jacksons creek at about 3.30pm today with my daughter to try and get her a fish or two on hardbodys. With a big tide flooding in I knew the flathead would be there in droves as they always are around this time of year. We fished SX40S, of which two were donated to the fishes mantle piece, strike pro specials and a few plastics. To say the action was hot would be an understatement. We landed 9 flathead from 32cm to 58cm, two bream, one tailor and one whiting in about 1.5hrs. Brooke got two flathead and the tailor and blown away by a good fish that could not be stopped on th 6lb gear, so I guess it was mission accomplished. Not all fish were photographed as there was hardly enough time with the fishing so good. Might have another go tomorrow arvo.
PS. Check the times on the photo's. And there was fish in between those times as well.