Took she who must be obeyedout for an early morning (for her, anyway) session this morning. Left Manly boat ramp at 7.15am and got to our destination, Naval Reserve Bank at 7.45. The water looked great and after baiting up with a couple of nice blood worms we cast our first hooks for the day. It was the wifes second session with her new outfit, and after cleaning up on the first session she was ready for action. Things started OK with a couple of pike - both to the wife - and then she pulls in a juvenile Tusk fish. What a great looking little fish it was, blue teeth and all. After that things slowed down, we made multiple moves and still nothing. The highlight of the day came after I got a solid hook up and short run - then the line went dead. I pulled it in and what was on the hook was half of what would have been a very respectable whiting,
must have been a hungry Jonah or two hanging around, as I also lost a brand new squid jig as well. I was casting and slow lift retrieving when I felt what seemed to be a squid and then nothing, and I mean nothing, jig gone!!
With an appointment we had to keep at midday, we headed for home at 10.30 just as the bay started to glass out. All in all an enjoyable day on the water, even if we did not catch a feed.