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Thread: Virus Warning

  1. #1

    Virus Warning

    Moderators. Please look at post 5 in the Baron Rivers thread

    is it a Virus


  2. #2

    Re: Virus Warning

    Looks the same in Best river nerang Thread too.


  3. #3

    Thumbs down Re: Virus Warning

    Moderators Please look at uvwx984 new member

    Virus warning


  4. #4

    Re: Virus Warning

    hmmm looks like someone has to be banned now dont they, he also has another post in the "480 side consol" thread, if it helps.

    Bloody viruses, as if tehre isnt enough going round already!.

    Australian Native Fish Vids
    Specialize in Terapontida's, Perches, Cods, Gobies & Gudgeons

  5. #5

    Re: Virus Warning

    It's very suspect


  6. #6

    Re: Virus Warning

    Ahhhhhh Ahhhhhhh AHHHHHHH AHHHHHH CHOO!
    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  7. #7

    Re: Virus Warning

    Post has been deleted.


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