Caught this guy this morning at the GC Seaway! My PB 40cm. It fell victim to a 20gram metal!! Thought it was a chopper at 1st!!
Caught this guy this morning at the GC Seaway! My PB 40cm. It fell victim to a 20gram metal!! Thought it was a chopper at 1st!!
(when Im dead) my biggest FEAR is that my wife will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it.........
awesome whiting mate.
good work
Thats a ripper of a whiting there mate.
Good on ya![]()
Nice whiting smoked. Judging by your leader you were'nt expecting him.
nope. I was out for some fun chasing trevors and tarps. hook onto 5 tarps and landed 0. was still fun seeing jump outta the water!
(when Im dead) my biggest FEAR is that my wife will sell my fishing gear for what I said I paid for it.........
great fish, congrats,,,my pb whiting is also 40cm from hope island area..cheers bdowdy..brett
Whoa thats a Whoppa, you dont often hear of people catching big brutes like them too often.
Great Catch!
Australian Native Fish VidsSpecialize in Terapontida's, Perches, Cods, Gobies & Gudgeons
nice clean fish there. would have been good fun chasing trevs and the tarpon round.
"True Blue"
Nice whiting mate and on a metal slice, just keeps getting better and better doens't it![]()
Cool size![]()
Makes me wanna catch one of those...
Cant wait to start fishing trips next month with our fishing club...............
Good luck for the future of catching more more more whitings![]()
Yeah, great work, never would have thought a whiting would fall for a 20g metal, but then again, they are pretty aggressive![]()
I Fish, I catch, I SNAG
All whiting I have caught in the seaway have been horses. Never really targeted them specifically but they are a welcome bycatch.