G'day guys and gals.
Received a phone call from my mate Ash (Outsider685) and was told to pack my fishing gear, we're goin fishin. Met up with him down at the Boat ramp Thursday arvo and took the boat around to the back of the house to load everything up. Left the house about 4pm with the bait grounds in site. Grabbed a few livies so it was off to Palm Beach reef to see what might inhale our livies. Baits down and just chilling out having a beer, all of a sudden my rod goes and i'm on to something that was making me very excited. Short fight and to the top of the water came a BLOODY Wobegong Shark lol. After that not much happened and we were pulling more Red Rock Cod up than we could handle (on dead baits) so back to the house with an early Tailor session set for the morning.
Out of Bed about 5:30am and back to the live bait grounds to grab some more bait (had pillies as well). Got enough bait so off to the Narrowneck artificial reef to try and bag some Tailor. Plenty of boats there and before long saw some people pulling them in. in an hour and a half we picked up about 15 or so Choppers with a few Greenbacks thrown in for good measure (GREAT fun on light gear). All of a sudden they went off the bite so Ash suggests we try the South Eastern 36's with our live bait as the weather was so god dam good.
Once out there we tried one of his spots and after a couple of drifts with not much action we decided to have a look at a spot a couple other boats were drifting as they constantly drifted the same area. First drop and up comes a
just legal little snapper followed by a couple smaller ones. I thought well iuf there's snapper down there i have to try something to entice the bigger fish so we starting using whole Yakka fillets which immediately saw better fish start coming aboard.
All in all we caught around 20 legal snapper (only 10 kept of course), the biggest going probably around the 3kg mark with the majority being around 40 cm.
Have to say thanks to Ash for another awesome day out on the water and for doing an excellent job at putting us on some good quality fish![]()
I will try and post some pics up soon if i can get my camera working.