PHP Warning: Use of undefined constant VBA_SCRIPT - assumed 'VBA_SCRIPT' (this will throw an Error in a future version of PHP) in ..../includes/functions_navigation.php(802) : eval()'d code on line 1 Off The Goldie Friday Arvo
Just a quick report off the Goldie.
Hit the water at the Grand Hotel ramp at about 2pm
And went out to the bait grounds just south of the seaway
And played around there for about ½ an hour but the little
buggers wouldn’t play the game.
The sounder was full of bait balls.
Off to the 36 fathoms on the wire weed and had a bit of a drift around
But nothing going.
We found a bit of ground that looked alright so we anchored up before
Dark and out with some burly and they fish came on.
We threw back more than we wanted to but they were just size
And not worth the hassle with shrinkage if checked at the ramp.
Things were starting to look good for a while and we were enjoying
The evening when a big storm went around us and that tuned things to
Sh###. Not a bite after the storm passed and the conditions went from
Perfect to terrible. It looked like another storm coming so we called
It a day and came home
David, Brett and Terry were my crew however Terry and myself showed
Up the young guns today.
I might say the AVOMINE worked well again today!!!!! YIPEEEEEEEEEE.
I will post a pic of the fish tomorrow before Brett fillets them.
You should have come back onto the 24's as the trag jew came on after dark then went quite for a while, we moved in a bit and found a patch of snaps, we got alot of just undersize snaps which the dolphins made short work of, got back to the ramp around 12 .
Mate we ran back over all our 24s marks but
thought it better to go in incase the second
storm hit.
What a difference a storm can make, perfect one
minute and rats the next.
When i got home looked east towards Mt Tamborine
and the moon shining and no wind. I thought bugger.
Next time.
Well what can I say ,having just received a rather terse email wanting to know why I havnt added to the post . Gawby we did outfish the young fellas AGAIN and it was good to see you enjoying yourself out wide instead of being the burly boy .
I can recall telling ya to hang with us and youd learn something new every trip LOL for today Im not saying a thing because I wasnt there and am not qualified to comment .
cheers Terry
Yes Terry i am qualified to comment so,
Brejen gave me a new Lowrance X515c
colour sounder yesterday because he is sick of
not being able to read my old sounder.
I fitted it today and at 2pm we decided to give it a trial run.
I had Brett, Gawbet and her cling on and abbagee with me
so i didn't ask you along. SORRY>
The sounder worked a treat showing the floor at all speeds.
We went out to the 24s of S'port and threw a line in for an hour
and scored 4 or 5 trag dew and a nice squire.
A lot of fish showing on the sounder but not playing the game.
It was ordinary going out and very ordinary coming back in the dark.
Alls well that ends well.
So that was today.
Brett will post a pic of the fish tomorrow.
Good to see you at least caught something .Was unusual for you to get a feed with me not there (haha) however you had the next best thing with Abagee (Adam) and Brett . Im Gunna stop now as I feel Im turning into a post whore.
cheers Terry
Sorry GAwby Brett wont be posting pics as i was home from work late had to flush the donk get the gear out and wash that all down then fillet the fish to feed your tribe whilst your are in the truck without the NAGGING.
Couple quick trips and couple feeds thats what it all about hey..... Been out there for a bloody lot longer and alot less.