Hit the water at 6.30 after battling the gateway traffic for 45 minutes. Tried the port wharves first for no joy. Then the wall right out the front gave us a nice squire at 44 cm and the flatty. Good fun on 6lb gear. By now it is 10.00 and top of the tide and as they say "no run, no fun" . Filled in some time on some of the wharves further up river towards the Gateway and at 11.30 as the tide started to run, the bream came on. In an hour and a half we landed 9 between 24cm and 33cm and lost just as many on the way to the boat. The squire fell to a Gulp turtleback and the bream to a river2sea baby crank 40F. Ran into Chief at the ramp, heading out to chase a tuna or 2. Hope he gets onto a few.
All up had a great day out.