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Thread: Off The Cape!

  1. #1

    Off The Cape!

    Wags On The Water, Timiboy and Rob The Leper (he's not an Ausfisher, so there must be something wrong with him) headed out under angry skies to try their luck at some jigging offshore, Thursday. Moreton Bay was like a pancake, and the South Passage Bar was similar. Magic conditions, but the prospect of rain.

    The mood aboard was sombre, knowing that this day hearts would be broken, shoulders would be smashed, and backs would be reduced to quivering messes of jelly. While all aboard were outwardly positive, the was an air of trepidation.

    What will happen? Will we catch anything? Will it rain? Have we enough fuel? Does your chewing gum lose it's flavour on the bedpost over night? The answer to these, and many other mysteries, will be forthcoming. Read on, fellow fishing nut...

    So, after picking up some livies close in, we shopped around for a while, and found a bit of a show. Over went the jigs, and the atmosphere was frantic. For about two minutes! Timiboy spat the chewy (no flavour, but it had NOT been on the bedpost overnight), and said - gripping his recently operated upon shoulder - "&^*$% this, I'm going to bottom bash" Rob wasn't too far behind, but just as all was beginning to quieten, Wags was on! He then proceeded to disobey boat rules - and hit the damned thing too hard! See a photo of his 100lb swivel below. Boat rule is feed it a bit while we clean up, and we'll go after him. We want to catch that damned sub, 'cause the Military just don't seem to care. Never mind...

    Anyway, soon after, TB hauls up a nice Pearly. That whets the appetites a bit, and soon the paternosters and floating rigs are tumbling down, with the assistance of vast quantities of lead. And the fish are coming up, too (except poor old Wags, he couldn't catch a cold at first).

    As the afternoon wore on, Wags did manage to catch a couple of things. My line twice, and Rob's once. What a mess! Poor old Wags was just not having a good day, but as the Skipper (me) was starting to look at his watch and gaze at the rapidly sinking Sun, Wags got on, and in fairly quick succession he managed to bring in two very nice Snapper, see photos - that's Wags with the hat and the Snapper.

    I landed a very nice brace o' Pearlies (that's a double header to all the Neanderthals out there), and a pb Pearlie at 60cm, plus my pb Snapper at 60. Rob nabbed that 70 cm Pearlie in the pic, what a beast!

    So all in all, as we dragged ourselves back over the bar at 5:30 pm, we'd had a ripper of a day. Many caught (many released too), enough coming home for a few feeds, and a completely exhausted crew.

    It didn't rain, and we ONLY had 180 litres of fuel left (Wags was worried, made me jam the boat full of the stuff, we used about 120 litres) AND if you stick your chewy on the bedpost for safe keeping, I doubt you really worry about the flavour!

    Until next time, Cheers,

    Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Attached Thumbnails - Click to enlarge Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Nice fish.jpg 
Views:	163 
Size:	35.8 KB 
ID:	29217  
    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  2. #2

    Re: Off The Cape!

    After the last trip with the low fuel warning alarm coming on kms from home , I though we needed more fuel. YOU CAN NEVER HAVE TOO MUCH FUEL TIM....

    Another sledging competition over (I'm sure I won) - is there anything now that does frown on sledging???? It's part of the game so get used to it.

    Rob is one of my workmates and is in town for a few days (he's not a leper), and always keen for a fish. As far as me catching Tims line......well I told him not to drop his line as it was not in his best interest....but he just had to go and do it. Rob's fish just circled on the way up and he tangled with me....

    Anyway I must finally be tying my knots right as my knots didn't let go this time. The setup was a Saltist STT40H spooled with 50lb braid with 60lb leader, attached was a lumo knife jig and..a freight train. I did however manage to slow it up a few times and regain some line but to no avail. I was devastated and hurting. My shoulder is still sore.
    We left the fish biting as we had enough for a feed. There's no need to bag out when you have a good feed.

    Big thanks to a fellow Ausfisher for supplying the general area mark and well done to the skipper (again) for puting us on the fish.

    Tim.....I need to break this addiction (fishing) no more OK!

    Are we going next week?????


    One more thing....must thank the photographer..

    Attachment 29229
    Last edited by wags on the water; 20-06-2008 at 11:49 AM. Reason: Another photo of the horse pearly.

  3. #3

    Re: Off The Cape!

    Well done lads ...some nice SnappA & fat Pearlies in that catch
    Gotta be happy with that...great conditions & a feed to boot.

    Did u have any trouble tracking down livies at the Bait grounds ??
    After a few recent visits there ...they have been very scattered & too much time spent putting a few in the tank


  4. #4

    Re: Off The Cape!

    The baitfish were abundant at the moreton grounds a few kms from the bar. We got slimies, yakkas and pillies. The pillies were only a few meters from the surface and the slimies,yakkas bit further down. You should't have any problems. The terns working in the area are a dead giveaway.


  5. #5

    Re: Off The Cape!

    Thanks Fellas, great read and looks like you had a good day.

    again was hoping to get outside this weekend but weather is looking crap!

  6. #6

    Re: Off The Cape!

    Thanks Waqs...good stuff.....sounds like they are back in good numbers then. !!!
    The pillies would have been an extra bonus.
    Should have been out there today .....!!!


  7. #7

    Re: Off The Cape!

    We would've stayed out, but all 3 of us had plans today.

  8. #8

    Re: Off The Cape!

    I didn't have plans, I just knew how bloody tired I was going to be!!!

    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  9. #9

    Re: Off The Cape!

    Quote Originally Posted by TimiBoy View Post
    I didn't have plans, I just know I am SOFT.

    It looks like I didn't hear the conversation correctly readers.
    Last edited by wags on the water; 20-06-2008 at 02:32 PM. Reason: The truth Tim, the truth...

  10. #10

    Re: Off The Cape!

    Originally Posted by TimiBoy
    I didn't have plans, I just know I am SOFT.


    It looks like I didn't hear the conversation correctly readers.

    I'm calling the Fraud Squad. I have been grievously misquoted!!!
    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  11. #11

    Re: Off The Cape!

    or maybe just spell checked?

  12. #12

    Re: Off The Cape!

    looks like a good day fellas.......nice colour on the squire wags

  13. #13

    Re: Off The Cape!

    Im not saying anything.

    Customer goodwill.

    My dictionary defines green as ‘unripe, immature, undeveloped'. Perfect description.

    Most political parties are seen as interested in what the voters think, the Greens are seen as thinking the community should be interested in what they think.

  14. #14

    Re: Off The Cape!

    Cheers Mate, nice to have someone on my side.

    Might have to take you fishing, huh?
    Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.

  15. #15

    Re: Off The Cape!

    Great looking haul of fish guys and a bit of competitive banter as well makes for a great day with mates thats for sure thanks for sharing guys ...matt
    A bad days fishing has got to be better than any day at work......

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