I have just got a 14.5ft longbeach center console with a 40Hp Merc on the back.
I have a bit work to do just to clean it up a little and make it look a bit better, i thought i would start this thread to show a few pics and hopefully people can add there input and maybe some other people will learn a little?
I am pretty new to the whole fibreglass boat thing, therefore i will be learning a lot as i go, any help is appreciated.
The Boat seems pretty solid, as far as i can see the hull is very good, a couple of scratches here and there, but mostly good.
Heres a bit of list i want to do.
Fix some gelcoat problems around the gunner rails.
Fix the holes that have caused the gelcoat problems.
Get some oil stains out of the carpet, or change it.
Change the sounder.
Do something with the anti-foul.
I am doing searches of all the related threads and reading them through, but i will post a few photos and any help would be great.