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Thread: Just joined

  1. #1

    Just joined

    Hello fellow fishers. I have been lurking on the fringes for a while and like the discussions and info I have seen on the site. I am 47 years old and have been fishing since as long as I can remember. I live in Brisbane and have just bought my 4th boat, a Cruisecraft 650 outsider about 2 weeks ago. I hope to get some fishing tips and contribute some back. I also enjoy Kayak fishing in creeks and shallows which I do on a Viking Tempo kayak.

  2. #2

    Re: Just joined

    G'day mate,

    Welcome to the site, i havn't been a member here long myself, but theres bucket loads of info, i'm o/seas at work at the moment and get on here and have a read when i get the chance,( probably more often then the boss would like) i was using the search button yesterday, typing key words such as reel models etc, and the supply of information is astounding.
    Bundy Rum.......... Not just great for breakfast.

  3. #3

    Re: Just joined

    Welcome Matho, You'll learn a lot here if U ask questions, that's what I found anyway.
    Cheers and Good luck Dids

  4. #4

    Re: Just joined

    hey mate welcome to ausfish.
    Enjoy this site

  5. #5

    Re: Just joined

    hey matheson.
    welcome to the site
    hope you get some great sessions happening on your new boat
    good luck and enjoy

  6. #6

    Re: Just joined

    Welcome to ausfish mate you boat sounds like a machine what moter is on it.

    cheers tassie JR

  7. #7

    Smile Re: Just joined

    The boat has an old 150HP Johno which I hope will give me 3 to 4 years. Hopefully I can then afford to replace it with a new HDPI or ETEC about the same HP

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