Being a newbie to fishing I've randomly selected a range of takle to do a bit of shore fishing and boat fishing off the Yeppoon coast, Causeway Lake and the two bays.
I was wondering if I was missing some essential takle from the old box. I have so far:
* 2 x 4-6kg rod with 8kg of line for shore fishing
* 1 x 10-15kg rod with 20kg line and overhead reel
* 1 x 10-15kg rod with 20kg line and 6000series eggbeater
* 2 x knifes, scaler, cutting board , bucket, ruler etc
* small selection of various sized hooks
* small selection of various sized sinkers
* small selection of various sized swivels
* about 1/2 dozen 30cm wire tracers
* metal slugs in about 15/20g, 40g and 80/100g
* 4 various (small and medium) diving lures
* a couple of those red/white floats
Sorry I don't know what sizes the hooks, sinkers and swivels are...I havn't got a chart to compare the sizes - they were just thrown into compartments of my tackle box.