got pinged a couple of weeks ago for planing in a go slow zone.ok fair enough, even though there seems to be some slight confusion of the zone boundrys ie;dont think that just because you are on the channel side of a go slow boundry marker sign that you can 'operate your vessel in a planing mode' but thats ok ignorance of the law is no excuse & so i have coughed up and paid the $300 fine.
so last time i was out(midweek) the marine park rubber ducky came alongside and the officer(different crew this time)pulled out his ticket book and informed me that i was going to be fined for "speeding" in a go slow zone.i politely asserted that i was not planing and my vessel was operating in displacement mode.the officer then said that i was still going to fast and would still get a ticket.&that over 20 dugongs and turtles had been killed by boat strike in the last week.I had a marine parks brochure onboard and i showed him where it states that a boat cant plane and i again told him that my boat wasnt on the plane and was travelling in displacment mode.the officer then told me that "ok"he would"give me the benifet of the doubt"regarding the planing issue but would be writing me a ticket for littering because i had some plastic bags stuffed between my battery box and transom(so they dont get blown overboard)& that over 20 dugongs and turtles had died from ingesting plastic in the last week,at this point i started to get a little narky.i asked him why they werent out on the long weekend when there where jet skis speeding every where.he told me that they werent interested in jet skis just fishos in boats like yours(12 foot tinny)he then said that we should just stay off the banks alltogther as we are going to be banned from them completly soon anyway.but thats enough of that-what really got me pissed off was the next morning when i saw a dugong being butchered for tucker