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Thread: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!

  1. #16
    Ausfish Addict Chimo's Avatar
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    Gold Coast

    Re: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!

    Did it a few years ago and I didn't want to talk about then so I sure am not going to talk about it now ! Its hard enough trying to not even think about it.

    Option is to do less trips and enjoy them when they happen, a bit like jelly beans and marriage

    Chimo GOM
    What could go wrong.......................

  2. #17

    Re: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!

    I bought a large boat to fish where the good fish are..thats not close to most ramps.. fuel is not going to go down in a hurry. I feel if I was to downsize I would be back fishing my old spots so If you guys are gunna downsize thats fine with me cause ya gunna leave me more to catch. (maybe one of these I might bag out )

    Yes fuel is a concern but I recon it's gunna be more of a concern down the track.. one big thing for me is I don't have maintenance costs and that is a big factor!

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  3. #18

    Re: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!

    thats why I said way back, that some of us are just going to fish on regardless (up to a point) I hope it does not come to a point where we are all in sailing dingies just to be able to afford to Fish, but it may come down to adjusting ourselves to the ever increasing "need for speed" and we end up in a single cylinder "putt putt" and just take longer to get somewhere, or maybe to a semi displacment type of Boat with a single 40HP 4 stroke and just cruise at 10knots or so, you will still get there, and catch fish, plus we might all have better backs because of it, no more smashing down at 40 knots! not to mention the amount of fish we catch as a bonus because we have our troll lines out all the way.

  4. #19

    Re: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!

    the noble boats are great boats great guys to talk to down there as well. we were goin to buy a noble but the out lay of having to build a bigger shed and buy a a forby as well as the boat just wasnt worth it at this point in time. heres a couple of boats forsale at the moment that are worth a look.

    this one seams pretty cheap to me for what they want new.

    this one is nsw atm but with twin engines would be a good boat for offshore work.
    560c Bar Crusher "Overtime"

  5. #20

    Re: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!

    Why downsize? I upsized, Had a 5.5 fibreglass boat virtually rebuilt 2 years ago the rebuild was to a weight and quality they would have cut a Edencraft in 2 if we met at speed, time came to looks seriously at new power for it At this same time I was taking a good hard look at the way the domestic economy was being managed and decided the risk to spend one more cent on it was way too high so I cut my losses and sold it off for $20. The speculators had the price of houses pushed on average as high as the market could bear, the cartel had a firm grip on the price of fuel and borrowings nationwide where unsustaniable, real wages were plumeting, the real cost of living was skyrocketing and the government of the time might obtain another term to continue their systematic trashing...I needed to insulate (protect) 2 of the 3 most important parts of real life which is family and recreation from what was just around the corner.

    I bought a 6.0m pressed tinny that could be towed with a 2.5l easily, needed up to 100hp less than the f'glass I dumped and the entire new boat cost came in at around the dollars I had set aside to finish the f'glass boat!!

    I will be keeping the 6.0m and will fit a 60hp 4st in the future and simply travel 30% slower to my destination being a hull with lots of lift and little weight and no bling I can get away with it.

    In the medium term say 10-15 years there is absolute scope for 5.5m pressed tinnys powered by 50hp 4 strokes that can cruise at 15kn and use bugger all fuel, fiberglass and poly will be growing weeds in the back yard if the price of fuel doesn't rationalize.

    my 2 UP (or sideways) not down, just think outside the square for the medium term!

    cheers fnq

  6. #21
    Ausfish Platinum Member honda900's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!

    seems to me that a little bit long term perspective has been missed here, sure costs have increased, fuel, food, house, everything day to day living, but the reality of if all is that wages will match, if not now when you ask for your next pay rise, thats what economy's are built around.

    As for the fuel thing. it erks me every time, but there is no shortage of fuel, just restricted supply, sort that out and the problem disappears for the next few hundred years. oil producers are trying to capitalise while they can.

    anyway 2cents worth..


  7. #22
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!

    Quote Originally Posted by Noelm View Post
    ... I wonder if anyone has done a full "total cost of ownership" of a certain common Boat and Motor package, taking into account everything from Purchase (with interest if higher purchase) depreciation, maintenance, Fishing gear/tackle/Bait, Rego and insurance, the whole kit and kaboodle from start to finish?....
    Noel, please be careful where your going with this topic. You are treading a thin line with comments like those. If any of our financial controllers got hold of this information, she's liable to stop me buying a bigger boat ....!!!

  8. #23
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Re: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!

    doom and gloom..doom and gloom...fuel prices up, housing up the creek, food prices up..wages will not rise...ahh..all so sad...BUT..ATM..wife and myself have good both have jobs...grandkids are going great..more work than I can cope with...boating and fishing await...good friends..cold beer and green ginger wine....LIFE IS GREAT...get whatever boat suits your needs and just get out and enjoy it.

  9. #24

    Re: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!

    Quote Originally Posted by honda900 View Post
    seems to me that a little bit long term perspective has been missed here, sure costs have increased, fuel, food, house, everything day to day living, but the reality of if all is that wages will match, if not now when you ask for your next pay rise, thats what economy's are built around.

    As for the fuel thing. it erks me every time, but there is no shortage of fuel, just restricted supply, sort that out and the problem disappears for the next few hundred years. oil producers are trying to capitalise while they can.

    anyway 2cents worth..

    Very true in a well or even a mildly mismanged economy although over the last 8 years wages have NOT kept pace with ONLY the speculator driven price of a family home. It's not as if this increase was offset by every other commodity being placed in an 8 year old time warp.

    cheers fnq

  10. #25

    Re: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!

    and the snappa keep coming aboard.....
    "whats the time"

  11. #26

    Re: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!

    i know with all the raises in everything lately it would be hard on alot of people but in a way u had to see it coming. over the last 8 years i have watched land around our area go from 45k for a 1 acre block to nearly 300k for the same size same area. im not a house owner so i dont get alot of the interest rate rises and so forth but when i go to buy a house in the next few years i wont be able to get a house for under 400k i bet. dont think i will be owning to many boats in my life life time. its needs to crash inflation went up way to quick and u know wat they say what goes up will crash and burn. bit off topic sorry but in all seriousness and its bad to say it but i need it to crash to ever be able to buy a house. u guys are the lucky ones atm i dont think the younger generations will be able to afford nice boats like wat u guys have!
    560c Bar Crusher "Overtime"

  12. #27
    Ausfish Silver Member haggis's Avatar
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    Re: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!

    do what you can afford so as you can afford what you do !
    If downsizing or upsizing keeps you afloat then good luck .
    there are a lot of fishermen that wished that they could afford a boat but never will . Petrol is always going to go up in price as is the economy . not much we can do about that . wages will never keep up with inflation .
    but things could be worse not sure how much but hey they could be .
    cheers haggis .............................

  13. #28

    Re: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!

    I'd like too winge about fuel prices too !!

    But i tow my 4.75 40hp tinny with a mitsubishi mirage 1.5l !! Hehe, Yep, everyone gives me squirt about it,

    but i can smile when i can fill up the car and the boat for under $90!,
    Wont be so fun when i smoke the clutch!,

  14. #29
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Apr 2008

    Re: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!

    Don't worry, Kevin 07 will fix it - its nothing one of his highly publicised & slickly worded press conferences won't be able to fix. I mean just look at the difference Sorry Day has made to the health & wellbeing of our cuzs up north.

    Or look at the $35 million he gave to Toyota so that the government could say it was doing something about the environment. That's the same Toyota that spent $900 million on the first 3 years to get its team started in Formula 1. That's $300 million per year to get 2 cars around some race tracks.

    Imagine how many hospitals beds or teachers that $35 million would have given us here in Australia.

    If you think things are hitting the fan now, just wait a few years until the effects of Kevin have time to wash right through the economy.

  15. #30

    Re: Downsizing, i know im not the only one!


    There has been some similar discussions on another board I am a member of.

    there was some discussion in the boat design section about hull shape and efficiency, along the way a couple of marine architects chimed in.
    There was a definite view that not much has been done in hull efficiency in powered pleasure boats........most of the boats we see are very much the same and look similar to stuff published by "Hartley" and in the 50's 60's & 70's.
    The only real & popular departure has been the cathedral hull cats and they are a minority.
    the empahsis has been on going fast and using a lit of power to do it.
    I think there is a lot of room for alternative designs and better hull efficiency.
    Look at the water slicing cats like the brisbane "Citycat's" for instance. their absolute top speed may not be that of your typical planing hull but they are very efficient in the loe and mid rance speeds.

    I was visiting a mate of mine at the slip yesterday, he has a large sailing cat that weighs near 7 tonnes, he has 2 x 10 HP deisels ( twinn ten horsepower) in it and in his words " she'll do 6 to 7 knots with a clean bum and no headwind"

    sitting next to it is a largish trailer boat less than half the length and about a quarter the weight with a pair of 100HP pluss outboards.

    I was struck by the contrast.

    On the woodwork forum a thread was raised about the cost of smoking and how much could be baught with the cash that went up in smoke.
    Seems a typical smoking habit burns $5G to $7G a year . blokes calculated that they could buy a shed and fill it with machinery for the cost of smoking.

    Couple that up with a heavy drinking habit which can easily cost $3G to $5G a year and you can see why some people have difficulty making ends meet even on a good income.

    I have a friend that smokes, & drinks 2 cartons a week...... and has expensive tackle tastes.............he wishes he could afford a boat.

    Now my sisters husband has owned 2 boats in his life, the first he built out of ply. he has recently upgraded to a huge 5HP 4 stroke outboard. he has modest tastes in tackle and if he isnt catchin' no one is.
    He recons over 35 years he is well ahead well ahead on the cost of fresh sea food he has braught home. This is with out factoring in the recreational value.

    I think part of the problem is that we often have expectations beyond our real status in life.

    We all want the shinny big boat that goes like the clappers ( Hell I do ), when in truth we realy can only afford a " good usedy that gets along OK"....( I'll be happy with that.)

    We all want to think we are rich or at least middle class, when in truth the vast majority of us are just "working stiffs".


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