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Westpoint Macks - Saturday
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Thread: Westpoint Macks - Saturday

  1. #1

    Westpoint Macks - Saturday

    Ronnien and I headed to Westpoint of Saturday morning, launching his 4.3m barra boat at Pallerenda at 5.00am. We headed to s pot Ron marked as a man overboard on his last trip and stopped there til dawn only to get a stinkin grinner on a pilly. On day break we did a bit of trolling, with Ronnie picking up a doggie on a deep halco.

    We moved out to a mark that was published in the Bulletin a few months ago and floating 1/2 pillies on a 60lb leader on a circle and wide gape hooks, ronnie dropped one boatside (undersize we kept telling ourselves) and I picked up one doggie which went straight into the esky. Things went quiet so we moved into Liver point where, using the same method, we got another undersize doggie and a small queenie, as well as a legal sweetlip, which also went into the esky. With the current really slowing and fish going off the bite we moved on from there and had a troll as we could see some gar being belted in the distance. Also I got the catch of the day, an old bottom half of a 2 peice rod with reel still attached, could make out what make.model they were because of the solid coverage of barnacles, coral, and algae, and with so many living organisms on it I thought it best to practice catch a release, as it was clearly not having any ill effects on the evironment.

    After trolling for a bit for no result, we moved to another mark from the paper and anchored right over it, with heaps of bait and arches hanging off a bit of structure. We tried the same method for a couple of undersize nannygai, a yellow tail (which was promptly despatched on the handline for live bait), but not much else was happening. Ron got another doggie, which was again dropped boat side, this one well and truly legal and would've been good tucker. With nothing much else happening we started casting some slugs around when the handline took off........but by the time Ron grabbed it, what ever it was had dropped the bait and upon inspetion of the bait, there wasn't a mark on it, but there wasn't much life left in it, so it went back down to the bottom.

    With nothing resulting from casting the slugs, I tired just sending them straight under the boat and ligging them, as thats where the fish were. A couple of jigs in and I was smashed on the drop and resulted in a bite at least we knew where the mackeral were. Across the way was another boat, with 2 blokes not having much luck on the fish....sure they were hooking up, but out of about 10 hookups and 7-8 fish boatside, only 3 were boated, 2 doggies and a golden Trevally, with us laughing at their attempts to use a landing net about 1/2 the width required, it was clear that they were noices when it cam to gafing, with most fish lost. Any way back to our trip....

    Ron dropped he's slug down and got a big hook up as I was tying a new one on, and witha good fight, botught up a golden trevally to about 7kg, with no landing net, I was under the pump, being only my second ever gaff shot, but pulled it off with out a hitch which was was chuffed with. So ron had a good trevally, and a couple of pics were taken and it went into the esky. Then we were back into it, jigging under the boat in 7m of water was something very new to me, but it was working on the day, so who am I to argue. Next I hooked up to a decent doggie which put up a good fight for it size, thanks to the treble in its side. Next few jigs resulted in a number of bite offs, with me losing about 4-5 metals and Ron 2. With no other chrome slugs in the tackle box we could raise any interest with buck tail jigs or any other colour slug.

    The current had finally picked up and we thought the fishing would hot up a but more, but everything shut down so we had a quick troll across the mark for nothing and headed in for the day at 1pm, a lot later than we expexted but with a feed or 2 of fish in the esky, who really cares.

    I did take a couple of pics, but they didn't turn out and aren't very clear so I won't put them up. Ron's got a couple of his trevally and my rod, if he wants to attache them later.

    On a side note: Dad, my grandfather and Brother hit the Bohle yesterday as well for about 12 whiting, 4 grunter, a couple of bream and 4 big muddies. They also seen the croc from their last trip again.
    Last edited by Scott nthQld; 08-06-2008 at 01:05 PM.

  2. #2
    Ausfish Bronze Member Curmudgeon's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Westpoint Macks - Saturday

    Good report, Scott.

    Sounds like a fun day to me.

    Your snagging an old rod reminded me; I dragged up a dog leash off West Point a couple of weeks back. I think it may have been the only thing I caught that trip, too.

    Were there many others out there yesterday?


  3. #3
    Ausfish Platinum Member ronnien's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Re: Westpoint Macks - Saturday

    good write scott, the biggest thing caught with the slugs was me as i have never used them before & will use them every time i go out from now on. mate thanks for showing me a couple of tips on using them & thanks for coming out, will do it again for sure.

    scott & his new outfit

    my golden trev

    & this one is for mozza

    reels screamin aboard Hyper- Active

  4. #4

    Re: Westpoint Macks - Saturday

    surprisingly yes, some in even smaller boats then Ron's. The wind was up a bit, but it wasn't that choppy, I suspect that wa largely due to wind direction rather than strength though.

  5. #5
    Ausfish Platinum Member ronnien's Avatar
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    Re: Westpoint Macks - Saturday

    c'mon scott it aint that small, i know the sticker say's 4.3 but it is actully 4.4.
    coped a heap from the young falla when i got home & put the point of the knife into a vein just below my thumb (filleting) took awhile for the blood to stop bleeding, showed the missus & she fainted!

    reels screamin aboard Hyper- Active

  6. #6

    Re: Westpoint Macks - Saturday

    Bloody hell!

    I guess that makes mine a midget... I've been sweating on your post fellas hoping you did as well as us. Seems like they were there, just not in 'feed mode' as much as the other day. The metal slices get 'em going again I reckon.

    Last week, as things were quietening down, we'd return to the slices and after 6 casts or so, the school would fire up again and the dead baits would get hit again.

    Ron, I've jigged and chucked slices a bit as well but, I'd classify myself as a newbie too - I was testing as much as I could last week, trying out as many of the tips I've gleaned over the last couple of years. Not all worked but the slices were working the best of all on that particular day ('cept for Mudges, mud herring).

    Good post guys.


  7. #7

    Re: Westpoint Macks - Saturday

    Nice work guys! Looks like you had a good day! Coupe of good fillets too...

  8. #8

    Re: Westpoint Macks - Saturday

    Good work lads, a couple of feeds there hope to get out soon myself.

    Cheers Rod...

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member levinge's Avatar
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    Re: Westpoint Macks - Saturday

    We'll have to make that area "out of bounds" for the Meet and Greet, then at least the rest of us will have a chance of catching something. Just kidding, well done lads.

    Would've been fishing this weekend but some thug smashed my eldest on friday and I spent most of my time Friday night and saturday at the hospital/police station. Not a good start to a long weekend, hope to get to wet a line shortly, although the big boat is expected up at Mission Beach this week (PLEASE!!!!) and then it woun't be long until I'm chasing those marks from the paper, kept them all so I might take a run at the marks around the Palms!!!
    Fillet and Release Squad

  10. #10

    Re: Westpoint Macks - Saturday

    Brett, the one were we got most of the fish is very accessible from your boat, you don't even have to travel to west point its roughly 1/2 way between.

    With my fish, and dads we've got about 4-5 feeds in the freezer now so it should tide us over for a week or so.

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member levinge's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: Westpoint Macks - Saturday

    Ssounds like a good spot, how deep did you say it was over the spot???

    And was it one of the marks from the paper??
    Fillet and Release Squad

  12. #12
    Ausfish Platinum Member ronnien's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Re: Westpoint Macks - Saturday

    Quote Originally Posted by levinge View Post
    Ssounds like a good spot, how deep did you say it was over the spot???

    And was it one of the marks from the paper??
    the depth is about 5mtrs (low tide) & about 7-8 mtrs depending on height at high, it is a mark from the paper (little kid holding a grunter) my original pic that eddie used.

    also just scored another 5 good marks alot closer & they look like they will be very good grunter marks ( planes & boats)
    reels screamin aboard Hyper- Active

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member levinge's Avatar
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    Re: Westpoint Macks - Saturday

    Hey Ronnien feel free to PM the marks, could always do with a few good grunter spots. I dare say they would produce good nightime grunter from that area.

    Missus did a clean out of old fillet from the freezer, so I need to do a restock shortly....Could even be a night fish on the new boat coming up, if anyone is interested. Should fit 4 to 5 for the trip...
    Fillet and Release Squad

  14. #14
    Ausfish Platinum Member ronnien's Avatar
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    Mar 2008

    Re: Westpoint Macks - Saturday

    forgot to mention the golden trev was the first fish i have caught on my new spin outfit (spheros 8000fa & 8kg uglystick with 30lb braid) so hoping it will continue catching quilty fish a great way to break it in.

    reels screamin aboard Hyper- Active

  15. #15

    Re: Westpoint Macks - Saturday

    Hmmm new marks in close... You tinny boys are going to have a field day

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