Myself and craig (W2F) ventured out to the 12mile yesterday (friday) left Mooloolaba at around 4:15 and in perfect conditions we were at our mark before 5. We had high expectations of a hot pre dawn bite but nothing. Once the sun started to light the eastern sky things started to happen with a few fish starting to come over the side. While pulling in my floater just as i saw the bait coming up I watched this nice spotty 6-7kg smash my pilly and head for mooloolaba. After a short battle he was on the end of my gaffe and into the esky. Things were starting to happen so I took the opportunity to throw out a chook on a light rod and bagged a couple of decent squire. We then decided to leave the fish bitting and take advantage of the conditions and head out to a mark that I had for cal wide another 9nm east with high hopes of getting a big knob and some pearlies. When we arrived at the spot we found a few fish on the sounder in 70m this is going to be great I was thinking pearlies for dinner how wrong was I. All we managed were 4 of the biggest ugliest grinners I have ever seen so after stuffing around for another hour and a half we decided to head back to our first spot we only manged 2 moses then the whole place shut down hardly manageing to get a bite let alone lose a bait.About 1pm we decided to call it ay and head for home. We learnt a valuable lesson today NEVER LEAVE FISH BITING because the grass is never greener on the other side. While we were disappointed with our result the conditions were fantastic the company was great and it was better than being at work. We also saw a whale,a shark and a s#$t load of bloody dolphins. All up it was a great day on the water. CHEERS BRENDAN
[ATTACH]Attachment 28336[/ATTACH]