I had to cancel plans for a pre-dawn fishing trip with a mate as my daughter had a cold and my wife had to work so I got the minding duties. My lovely wife however flexed early so I did get out in the afternoon by myself.
Left Dohles Rocks ramp just after the high tide. Water as expected had a lot of fresh so decided to drop the pots outside the mouth and head over to Otter Rock. Fished for a few hours with barely a hit. At one stage I snuck between the rocks closer the shore and although there was heaps of bait and what looked like tailor working the surface, couldn't get a hookup (tried plastics and hard bodies).
Decided to head back and picked up the pots - no crabs but my second wobbegong shark! Fished the old bridge pilongs for a while and there was very little activity but did manage this good flatty (46 cm) which will become Friday's dinner.
Good luck if you venture out over the weekend,