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Thread: Pin firing up again for Bream

  1. #1

    Pin firing up again for Bream

    ...slowly. These were caught last night on 2 pound braid (but thats in theory, at one point I snagged a mangrove by overcasting and must have put 20 pounds into it with no these new era lines), with a variety of soft baits like prawn squid and mullet. Great night to be out on the water. Came back at 1.00am and the waterways were dead calm and black as coal...GREAT!


  2. #2

    Re: Pin firing up again for Bream

    nice bag dude
    figjam :wink:

  3. #3

    Re: Pin firing up again for Bream

    cheers mate

  4. #4

    Re: Pin firing up again for Bream

    great catch
    what length & weight for the biggest ones?

  5. #5

    Re: Pin firing up again for Bream

    yeh nice catch scott! weather was puurfect last night, was ummming and arring bout going out myself but held of thinking the recent rain may have slowed the estuaries down a bit.
    May have to sneak out tonight for a quick sesh in the broadwater

  6. #6

    Re: Pin firing up again for Bream

    good feed mate!

  7. #7

    Re: Pin firing up again for Bream

    Ozscott - definitely agree...bream are out and about....ventured to the Pin this morning....caught three nice bream with prawn bait - best being 29cm....everything went quite once the traffic started up....

  8. #8

    Re: Pin firing up again for Bream

    Thanks fellas - I reckon last night would have been better if the rain had ended a week ago..but still happy. The biggest was 34cm, then 30 then the rest were all just over legal. The 2 biggest have just produced some very nice fillets for me...just working up some of Doyles basic batter. Overall a nice feed I reckon.

    Some times I hate the pin...other times it just fires. My feeling is that this month will be great for Pin Bream and Tailor...I am looking at a evening high at about 6.30pm and I will be firing up the gang hooks out near the bar...

    Cheers again

  9. #9

    Re: Pin firing up again for Bream

    Nice OZ! Heading down to the Tweed tomorrow night for some breamin... Hope the big boys are out to play!

    Take Care T
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  10. #10

    Re: Pin firing up again for Bream

    Mate the 34 I caught was under a tree on a sand bank...its mate followed it out until about 4 metres from the boat and he was about 40cm...tried to get him for an hour but no luck. Good luck at the Tweed. Never fished there, but I have heard its a great bream and jack area.


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