Well guys decided that after being washed out of hervey bay and sent packing back to brissy only to find more rain i thought check seabreeze this morning only to find 5knt winds ,well since work is a wash out i decided to head to my usual haunt in the bay . well it was like driving through a chocalate milkshake as i left nudgee beach but only a mile or two out it cleared up and was glassed out and no other boats to be seen . I got to my spot and quickly dispatched a sweet and sour chook only to be hammered on the drop ,my line started to peel of the reel at a great rate of knots and i had high hopes of a great session even before i got my first fish . After a bit of a fight up come a snapper 53cm so i netted him and threw him straight in the esky ,my chook was dead so i had to use my last one so out i cast and bang i got a 25 cm snap so he went back ,i caught 3 more about the same size . I set myself up on another drift and again the chook went flying i was on again this time he went just over 50cm but he put up a better fight than the last which is great on 6 lb braid and 12lb fluro ,over the next hour i got a grinner a sweetlip and one more snap that went 37cm but he went back as we have a 40cm min in our boat for snaps . I also came across something a little unusual for the area i fish a blue bottle big healthy looking sucker as well so maybe be a bit careful with your children out there at the moment as they sure do sting ,i have added some photos of todays catch enjoy i know i did ,also i cant see anything wrong with fishing after the rain ,see you out their tomorrow i recon ...matt