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Thread: Suspect Bream

  1. #1

    Suspect Bream

    We were in a small canal in yamba when my wife pulled this rank thing in the boat, what do you guys/galls recon happened to it? looks sorta like a bite , but because of all the ooooozzing , seems it could maybe have VD, also a mate mentioned "red spot disease" any kind of coments welcome
    Last edited by dreemon; 02-06-2008 at 10:50 AM.

  2. #2

    Re: Suspect Bream

    puzzling,,,,,,, i've caught quite a number of bream that have the same style of chunk taken out of em,,,, most of which were healed,,, but it certainly changes there appearance

    if it is a disease ,,,, makes you wonder why it effects that part of the fishes anatomy only?????????

    can it get any better??????????????,,,,,,,,,,,,,,

  3. #3

    Re: Suspect Bream

    doesnt look like its been bitten,bream flesh aint red.
    disease for sure...

  4. #4

    Re: Suspect Bream

    Yep, def Red Spot, fish will get it when they have been exposed to extended periods of run off. I have caught fish with entire parts of their body missing, hope u didn't eat it.

  5. #5

    Re: Suspect Bream

    canal fish... yuk...... never seen nothing like that up here in the tropics....

  6. #6

    Re: Suspect Bream

    Have a look at this link on a red spot disease that has been recorded recently in various species in both the fresh and in the salt, including the Clarence River;



  7. #7

    Re: Suspect Bream

    A few years back red spot was very common in bream I was catching in the Maroochy River - up to 20% of bream caught. I haven't seen a fish with active red spot for a few years now, but still catch quite a few which have had the disease and healed up resulting in some unusual shapes to their body profile. Also cacthing the odd healed one on my trips to Iluka
    Cheers Freeeedom

  8. #8

    Re: Suspect Bream

    We caught a lot in Sydney waterways with that area damaged - but healed. People always thought it was old net damage.

  9. #9

    Re: Suspect Bream

    Here's another example of Red Spot, in an Estuary Cod, after the floods we had here in the Noosa system.

  10. #10

    Re: Suspect Bream

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete62 View Post
    Yep, def Red Spot, fish will get it when they have been exposed to extended periods of run off. I have caught fish with entire parts of their body missing, hope u didn't eat it.

    what sort of run off??? is their factory's are up the rivers?

  11. #11

    Re: Suspect Bream

    No, just from the heavy rain run off from farms etc, as i'm told it is often seen more in these times, the link in a previous post notes fish with red spot should not even be returned to the water so it must be contageous to other fish.

  12. #12

    Re: Suspect Bream

    I had a look at the web site outsider 1 put in and said a fish that has this disease should not be put back into the water, and should be terminated and buried inground far from the water to prevent the gift that will keep on giving, and yes there was a Sugar Mill accros the river, .... we were tipped to go have a look at this area for filthy big sick fish, didn't know he meant it literally, and yes the area was mostly farms along this lill river
    Last edited by dreemon; 02-06-2008 at 02:32 PM.

  13. #13

    Re: Suspect Bream

    I too contacted DPI or fisheries about a similar experience on the Gold Coast and they told me it had to do with the fresh water in the rivers/runoff

  14. #14

    Re: Suspect Bream

    Quote Originally Posted by JRJR View Post
    I too contacted DPI or fisheries about a similar experience on the Gold Coast and they told me it had to do with the fresh water in the rivers/runoff
    That's a lovely statement from DPI&F, I'd be interest in a chemical analysis of the runoff water where red spot is seen.

    If it was just the water, how come it's possible to convert bream to freshwater without them developing red spot!!

    Last edited by Luc; 02-06-2008 at 05:55 PM.

  15. #15

    Re: Suspect Bream

    Quote Originally Posted by Luc View Post

    If it was just the water, how come it's possible to convert bream to freshwater without them developing red spot!!

    The disease is not caused by the fresh water as such - but the nutrients (such as fertilizers from golf courses, farms etc, heavy metals from roadways), and all the crap like cigatette butts that people throw out their car windows that wash into the systems with the rainfall run-off promote algal growth that can cause all sorts of problems for fish including fish kills from depleted oxygen levels and diseases like red-spot.

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