5m = $60, 6m = $90 Timddo I've looked pretty hard but I can't find these figures anywhere, are they fairdinkum? or a guess?
Please post a link if they are true, thanks.
Quoting Greg
"Everyone says that the State Opposition has nothing to offer...how does anyone know when they have such very few seats. They may have some brilliant talent standing in the next election but we will never know unless they win seats."
You could be RIGHT Greg (pun intended)
But with the Qld Nats & Libs thinking of joining together and the Federal Nats & Libs thinking of splitting I don't know if we will find out anytime soon. I can see it now, Qld Nats & Libs combine, Anna puts daylight savings on the agenda just before the next state election because the "public are demanding it" and the new Nat-Lib force starts to implode.