I've never been a trailer dunker because I don't want to have to buy a new trailer and brakes every few years. A tandem trailer with breakaway brakes on four wheels costs a fortune!
With all the shite weather this year, my boat has been doing a fair bit of sitting around. On the last occasion that I used it, the trailer brakes had seized. Not the disc brake pistons, but the brake pads had rusted and bonded onto the discs!!
In the process of freeing them up by way of skull-dragging the trailer with the cruiser in low range, I tore the pads clean off the backing plates.
Today, I had the chance to pull them apart to find that new pads are required all round. cost =$140.00
I always rinse the trailer thoroughly in fresh water and it lives in a shed. There is no sign of rust apart from the disc drums.
I know I shouldn't have put it away wet but with all the wet weather we've been having it is sometimes unavoidable.
This trailer is just two years old.
At least the pistons are moving freely.
How do the dunkers keep operational brakes on a boat trailer?`
There must be an alternative to steel brake DISCS on boat trailers.