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Formosa Build Almost Finished
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Thread: Formosa Build Almost Finished

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member levinge's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Formosa Build Almost Finished

    Though I would post a few photo's of my ugrade, going from an old 4M Seajay Custom SideConsole to a 5.8M Formosa Centre Cab with all the bells and whistles.
    According to Formosa, she is at the final stages of the build. Latest photos were taken last week, but I thought I would include them from the initial Jig Setup.

    Should be getting my hands on her in about 2 weeks or so...

    Full fitout will include

    Redco Dual axle trailer
    135HP 4 Stroke Honda
    150ltr underfloor tank
    Targa Bar
    Rocket Launcher
    Eagle Sea Finder 640CDF Sounder
    Eagle Intellimap 642C IGPS Chartplotter
    Navionics XL9 Gold SD
    Digital Epirb
    Transom Door
    Bait Board
    3/4 Rear Lounge
    Seat Boxes and seats
    Deckwash System
    Heavy Duty Dual Marine Battery System
    5 x LED Deck Lights
    2 x 12Volt Outlets (Cab and Stbd Aft Quarter)
    6 x Rod Holders

    4 x very eager fisho's waiting to go wide

    Hope to be posting many reports about the handling and fishability of this rig....
    Fillet and Release Squad

  2. #2

    Re: Formosa Build Almost Finished

    Looking nice, look forward to seeing some pics with blood all over it!
    I bet you are looking forward to getting your hands on it!

    cheers - Craig

  3. #3
    Ausfish Addict disorderly's Avatar
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    In the Jungle/Mission Beach Hinterland

    Re: Formosa Build Almost Finished

    I bet you cant wait.
    Looking forward to the reports of your seatrial's and fishing trips of course.
    I just wonder why Formosa put that dopey marlin motif along the sides..right where the boat name should be.


  4. #4
    Ausfish Platinum Member levinge's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: Formosa Build Almost Finished

    Thats why I have the Cab, names goin on that - "Hard Livin"
    Fillet and Release Squad

  5. #5

    Re: Formosa Build Almost Finished

    Not too long now mate. You would've been cursing them a few weeks ago with near perfect conditions on the water. We better start making sacrifices to the gods for good weather when you finally get her hitched up.

  6. #6
    Ausfish Bronze Member
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    Jan 2007

    Re: Formosa Build Almost Finished

    Hi Levinge, looks like it going to be a nice boat.I am seriously considering one of these rather than go for a custom built plate boat due to the long lead times on a custom plate at the moment.

    Whats the go with the custom built Formosa?, Is it going to be any different from the standard rigs. I see some the brisie and gold coast dealers have some in stock. Apart from the options on the brocure were you able to ask for something else?

    Will the cabin allow for sleeping length?

  7. #7
    Ausfish Platinum Member Wahoo's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Formosa Build Almost Finished

    sweet, should look great when finished, time would be ticking soooooooo slow for ya


  8. #8

    Re: Formosa Build Almost Finished

    Hi did you buy this boat from the factory direct or a dealer. Because a freind of mine got one out of the back door any sved a heap of hard earned.

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member levinge's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: Formosa Build Almost Finished

    Stevea, I presume that if you were to ask for some custom work that Formosa would be more than happy to help. Form what I can see having talked to them that any innovation that fishos can come up with, will only help make a better designed boat. You can only ask!!! Cabin will allow you to get out of the weather, as for sleeping, I'm 6 foot and I don't think I will fit, kids yes. If I intend on sleeping onboard on an overnighter, I will get a canopy/storm cover custom made locally here in Townsville. Something like and awning that drops from the Targa Bar to the stern. Then we'll be able to drag out the bed rolls!!!

    Tin can, my deal was done through the Tinnie Shack up here in NQ. Got quotes from dealers all over QLD and Tinnie Shack was the best value for money.
    I dare say if you buy factory direct then you will obviously be cutting out the extra costs.

    I can't wait to wet this hull, as most of my mates have said, the moment I get the boat it will blow 25/30 kts for 6 months just to give me the shits...

    Hope to post some more photos when the boat arrives...
    Fillet and Release Squad

  10. #10

    Re: Formosa Build Almost Finished

    you won't regret that purchase mate, welcome to the the FORMOSA club....mmmmmm...maybe we should do a M&G Formosa owners...I know your in FNQ but what the heck, they are good boats and capable of

  11. #11
    Ausfish Platinum Member levinge's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: Formosa Build Almost Finished

    What the Hell, we could always meet halfway, say either Whitsundays or Rocky???? Happy to be a member of the Formosa Club, seems to be growing at a rapid rate.

    Will post some photos of her once she's prim and proper!!
    Fillet and Release Squad

  12. #12

    Re: Formosa Build Almost Finished

    Hi Levinge
    Picked up my Formosa 550 Centre Cab with 135 HP Honda & Redco tandem trailer, with alot of extra's last month from the Tinnie Shack. Had waited a long time 12 weeks for her, but worth it. Very Happy with the Boat, Honda is superb, quite, smooth. Just some teething problems, with prop size and need to fit a permatrim. Otherwise very very happy.

    Fopela Manki

  13. #13
    Ausfish Platinum Member levinge's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: Formosa Build Almost Finished

    Fopela Manki - looked at the 5.5m at the beginning of the year, and then saw the 5.8m. Missus said to get what I wanted in size so I did. Plus I have 2 teenage boys and the missus who are keen Fisho's so the extra size helps...

    Permatrim - will try without at the start, if it is needed later, it won't be difficult to fit

    What was the issue with the prop??
    Last edited by levinge; 30-05-2008 at 12:57 PM.
    Fillet and Release Squad

  14. #14

    Re: Formosa Build Almost Finished

    5.8 is a very nice boat, push my budget too much, I went for the 5.5. Very happy with her.

    No major problems, just checking for correct prop size, and motor height. This is the first 5.5 Formosa with a 135HP Honda from the Tinnie Shack, all the other they sold had 115HP. So they're doing some more test runs, to check prop size, possibly putting a permatrim, they want to getting everything perfect. They are a good team at the Tinnie Shack and very good to deal with.

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member levinge's Avatar
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    Sep 2004

    Re: Formosa Build Almost Finished

    Totally agree, have had nothing but a professional attitude and service from them. Let me know how you go with the extra tests as it may be useful for the final fitout for my rig. hope to have it up from Brissie shortly.
    Fillet and Release Squad

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