i can help you with the bream, fish the sunken wall along pinkenbar, the pipe across boggy creek and jetties around the gateway have produced a few nice bream for me so far no squire
. plastic wise go for atomic prongs, squidgy critters and flickbaits and squidgy wrigglers. personally i try to stay away from gulps as i beleive other plastics test your skill more. Choose jigheads that vary from 1/32 to 1/12th as this should cover most of the river( one day i was using 1/40th tt hws in 11m of water in the brissie river so days can vary. i tend to use size 2 hooks the most but i often se size 4, 2, 1 and 1/0 hooks on my jigheads. leader wise, for bream i use 4lb all the time even if fishing under jetties, if i am going really tough and losing to many rigs to fish i will change to 6lb or 8lb leader. harbodies sx40's and jackal chubbies are killers on bream but lately i have even found the bream are smashing small rmg's and halco laser pro's, i would rather be losing a $12 halco laser pro than a $24+ jackal chubbie to a snag. early mornings under a few jetties using surface lures and squidgy bugs can produce some exciting fishing. if you have a sounder and find the bream schooling in deeper water purchase a few little metal blades and tiemco sinking minnows and you will find they will smash them, often you can get by catch of threadfin salmon, cod, squire but i am yet to try this method. i hope it helps and reply if you want to learn a bit more or i missed something.