Had a very comfortable day today with Fish'n'Crab charters.
Started off at 5.30 with a comfortable trip out to drop some dillies and then off to find some fish.
The captain put us right onto a snapper. The big fellow came in first and we all thought it would be fast and furious. Snapper went about 75-80 cm. Things slowed quickly but we pulled a few pearls.
Then a hooer of a pearl. Nearly as big as the snapper. Oh things looked promising again. Another big snapper. Then it went quiet again.
We moved a few times and we pulled the anchor once. The current was bearable then it increased and dropped off later in the morning.
We picked up the dillies and ended with a sample crab each.
Most seemed to get a fish.
A great day was had by all and the top crew members took care of our fishing needs and made for a relaxing trip for all I'm sure.