I was wondering, how long can you leave a dead fish before refridgeration?
For example, I might catch a few over a couple of hours...put them in my water bucket. I usually trade smaller legal ones for bigger ones as I go and let the smaller ones go. I like to only take a couple home.
Sometimes the larger ones coak it in the bucket. I mightn't notice them for half an hour. So I will gut and scale them but they might have been a goner for an hour. Then it might take me half an hour to get home.
My lady, the other night, took the catch home for me but she didn't bother putting them in teh fridge. I stayed on with teh kids for another hour and a half. When I got home I saw the fish on the sink. I was worried as to whether they would be OK or not?
In the bush we might knock over a sheep or a beast and hang em over night ready to set and then cut em up the next morning. As I am a newby to the coast I was wondering if they were left on the sink for a couple of hours would they still be OK? They were gutted and scaled and it was a cool night of about 15degrees?
Be good to find out if the would make us crook without actually having to go through the process of getting crook to find out!