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Thread: Monduran 1st visit 15-18th May

  1. #1

    Thumbs up Monduran 1st visit 15-18th May

    Tried my luck at Monduran with a group of 11 Fishos for 3 days. Results 1 metre long Barra landed by mate Steve & heaps of monster catfish. I dont know how big these catties get but the bigger ones were in excess of 15 pounds. Rode out the storm in the middle of Bay B which came & went within half an hour. Will be back in the warmer months to do battle again. Great place.

  2. #2

    Re: Monduran 1st visit 15-18th May

    It is a great place mate, sounds like you had a ball.
    Those trout grow pretty big, and arent shy at haveing a go at the lure hey?

  3. #3

    Re: Monduran 1st visit 15-18th May

    Ausmick, Thanks for the report. She aint always easy at Monduran!! Hope you get amongst them next time. You will be better for the run!!!

    If you dont mind sharing, how were you fishing...I mean trolling, casting, types lures etc.???

    anyway, I bet your mate was happy with the metrey!! he would have had the bragging rights for sure!!!


  4. #4

    Re: Monduran 1st visit 15-18th May

    sounds like you had fun, im still yet to fish monduran but it sounds like a great impoundment
    good luck on your next trip

  5. #5

    Re: Monduran 1st visit 15-18th May

    So long as you had fun!! I couldn't even catch a cat fish my first trip, made up for it on the second trip though
    So do you have IBD yet?
    Cheers Kim.
    Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
    'Oh Shit.....she's awake'

  6. #6

    Re: Monduran 1st visit 15-18th May

    Quote Originally Posted by themissus View Post
    So long as you had fun!! I couldn't even catch a cat fish my first trip, made up for it on the second trip though
    So do you have IBD yet?
    Cheers Kim.

    i dont know if he is one but i am thats is for sure mate keep going even if ya dont catch a fish its a magical place where all ya stresses seem to float away

  7. #7

    Re: Monduran 1st visit 15-18th May

    Steve, We tried casting all types of lures but the catfish were gorging on salt water poddy mullet we took with us. I have heard they do get some results. The Barra was taken on a rapala x rap trolling close to the banks.

  8. #8

    Re: Monduran 1st visit 15-18th May

    Quote Originally Posted by auzmick View Post
    Steve, We tried casting all types of lures but the catfish were gorging on salt water poddy mullet we took with us. I have heard they do get some results. The Barra was taken on a rapala x rap trolling close to the banks.

    yeah any bait brings out the catties.!!!! Good luck next time.


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