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Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel
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Thread: Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel

  1. #1
    Ausfish Platinum Member mowerman's Avatar
    Join Date
    Jun 2006

    Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel

    Headed out tuesday arvo from Wello at about 1.30.
    Went out the small boat channel to the green bouy where it joins the Rous and started drifting around trying to find some whiting.
    Got a couple of small ones and some smaller toadies when this floating gin palace arrived.

    Had "Seaworld Turtle and Human Anatomy on the back deck research" painted on the side.
    Well something like that.
    It launched 2 of those inflatable things that proceeded to buzz around all over the place with plenty of squealing and screaming going on. Now, Im not sure of the capacity of one those inflatables but 8 seems to be overloaded. Hope they had enough life jackets.
    It also seems to me that the rules apply only to certain people. The go slow zones out there are 6 knots or is it 4. Well they must be well set up boats to be planing at that speed. Because thats what they were doing. Flat out thru the go slow zones. Prop strike,,what prop strike.

    So me and the mate decided to go somewhere quieter and headed up the Rous to Harrys. There were about 6 boats sitting on one small patch so we went about 500 yards away to a mark a bloke gave me and ....Bloody hell...first time Ive seen arches on the sounder.
    Out went the bait,,pillies mullet and squid for not a touch in about 40 minutes.
    So i put on a jighead and a 4 inch nuke chook on the 7kg line and sent it down.
    Hit bottom then ,1 lift drop ,,another lift dr...smashed. whatever it was had a pressing appointment at Mud. Tighten the drag difference.Tighten the drag difference..Tighten the drag difference.. look at the reel and Im down to the 15kg backing.SHITE. Tighten again and SNap. at the leader join.
    The THING just kept going with no slacking in speed
    Mate reckoned it was a Russian Sub. Should have pointed it in the direction of the gin palace.

    So after another hour without a touch we decided to head to Peel where we knew we could get some scales in the boat even if we had to throw them back.

    With the sun dissapearing behind the smoke haze we settled in at Peel and caught the usual number of 30 to 32 cm squire plus a few keepers.

    Arrived back at Wello about 10pm with 2 38cm, 45cm amd 49cm squire.

    Squire for dinner last nite, a couple of tooheys and the football score the right way .. What more could you want.

    Anyone know how to attach an anchor rope to a jighead for my next go near Harrys.

    My dictionary defines green as ‘unripe, immature, undeveloped'. Perfect description.

    Most political parties are seen as interested in what the voters think, the Greens are seen as thinking the community should be interested in what they think.

  2. #2

    Re: Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel

    Unlucky on the unstoppable Rod. Great reading mate!

  3. #3

    Re: Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel

    Nice feed of pinkies mate, good effort! pity about the sub, maybe next time!

  4. #4

    Re: Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel

    Bad luck with the unstoppable, would have been a hell of a rush though, nice one on the feed.

    Quote Originally Posted by mowerman View Post
    Had "Seaworld Turtle and Human Anatomy on the back deck research" painted on the side.
    Well something like that.
    It launched 2 of those inflatable things that proceeded to buzz around all over the place with plenty of squealing and screaming going on. Now, Im not sure of the capacity of one those inflatables but 8 seems to be overloaded. Hope they had enough life jackets.
    It also seems to me that the rules apply only to certain people. The go slow zones out there are 6 knots or is it 4. Well they must be well set up boats to be planing at that speed. Because thats what they were doing. Flat out thru the go slow zones. Prop strike,,what prop strike.
    just wondering if they were the same crowd that were on the news tonight doing their best to help save the "dwindling dugong population of moreton bay"?(The news words not mine) Not with that sort of behaviour me thinks.


  5. #5

    Re: Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel

    Quote Originally Posted by mowerman View Post
    It launched 2 of those inflatable things that proceeded to buzz around all over the place with plenty of squealing and screaming going on. Now, Im not sure of the capacity of one those inflatables but 8 seems to be overloaded. Hope they had enough life jackets.
    It also seems to me that the rules apply only to certain people. The go slow zones out there are 6 knots or is it 4. Well they must be well set up boats to be planing at that speed. Because thats what they were doing. Flat out thru the go slow zones. Prop strike,,what prop strike.
    You had me cursing those d@#kh$%ds...

    Quote Originally Posted by mowerman View Post
    So i put on a jighead and a 4 inch nuke chook on the 7kg line and sent it down.
    Hit bottom then ,1 lift drop ,,another lift dr...smashed. whatever it was had a pressing appointment at Mud. Tighten the drag difference.Tighten the drag difference..Tighten the drag difference.. look at the reel and Im down to the 15kg backing.SHITE. Tighten again and SNap. at the leader join.
    The THING just kept going with no slacking in speed
    You had me disappointed for you...

    Quote Originally Posted by mowerman View Post
    Mate reckoned it was a Russian Sub. Should have pointed it in the direction of the gin palace.
    You had me laughing...

    Quote Originally Posted by mowerman View Post
    Arrived back at Wello about 10pm with 2 38cm, 45cm amd 49cm squire.

    Squire for dinner last nite, a couple of tooheys
    You had me jealous...

    Quote Originally Posted by mowerman View Post
    and the football score the right way .. What more could you want.
    You lost me.
    What would Steve do?

    fortes fortuna adjuvat

  6. #6
    Ausfish Platinum Member mowerman's Avatar
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    Jun 2006

    Re: Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel

    Very quiet around town today

    My dictionary defines green as ‘unripe, immature, undeveloped'. Perfect description.

    Most political parties are seen as interested in what the voters think, the Greens are seen as thinking the community should be interested in what they think.

  7. #7

    Re: Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel

    Oh yeah. I was crying in my beer last night. I can think of 100 excuses but the fact is NSW came ready to play and played a great game of football.
    What would Steve do?

    fortes fortuna adjuvat

  8. #8
    Ausfish Bronze Member r3volt's Avatar
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    Re: Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel

    two teams showed up too origin?

  9. #9
    Ausfish Platinum Member Mark-P's Avatar
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    Re: Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel

    I'm thinking the unstoppable, was Scotty prince !!!
    Hence the score line being the wrong way ......IMO Cheers


  10. #10

    Re: Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel


    Your post here will keep me looking for your next one, good writing style there mate, love the Russian Sub too!! It had the wife asking "what's so funny?"

    The question to ask is were you anchored? Next time you throw out a chook on a Jig Head be ready to chase it down, and if you are anchored, throw a big float on the end of the anchor rope and chuck the lot over. Easy to find it back again once you have mowed the russian sub down.



  11. #11

    Re: Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel

    Top read, shame about the freighttrain, maybe next time.


  12. #12

    Re: Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel

    Quote Originally Posted by jarhead View Post
    Top read, shame about the freighttrain, maybe next time.

    ditto Mowerman - look forward to the next one.

    Scoreline ... what scoreline ????

  13. #13
    Ausfish Bronze Member milo__'s Avatar
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    May 2008

    Re: Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel

    Hi Mowerman,

    Any chance of getting the mark that your mate gave you?? Any assistance would be great as I am not getting a thing lately......even by pm would be great

  14. #14

    Re: Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel

    Hey there mowerman, i agree with scalem no anchor so next time your ready. For steve dont reckon NSW came ready just think we F^#*ed up. Look out in 3 weeks. Peter.
    "We gave Howard the Arse now we have to fix Rudd"
    "Now we have to sort Gillard" F@?k me RUDD again
    Abbott and Newman what a great next few years "NOT"

  15. #15
    Ausfish Platinum Member honda900's Avatar
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    Apr 2006

    Re: Spooled at Harrys and a feed at Peel

    The mighty blues, turned up and simply out played the cane toads, simple defense and attack patterns, what supprised me was that qld,s best player was Tate, no one rated him, yet he turned up to play.. bring on the next one...


    BTW out at harrys the other weeknight, a couple of men in grey suits turned up, and a 6+ kg catfish that had us thinking Long tail the way it ran..
    Last edited by honda900; 24-05-2008 at 02:54 PM.

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