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Thread: evans head

  1. #1

    evans head

    hi just wondering if anyone has a GPS mark for south reef at evans head. and if anyone has a mark for the mackerel ground there as well any help would be appreciated cheers

  2. #2

    Re: evans head

    mate go out there in some swell you can't miss it breaks in anything over 1.5 m. Mackrel around the eastern edge of the drop off have the marks but my gps batteries are flat. Kaios holds mackrel too its the closest one to Evans go past it you will see a building on the hill in the bombing range straight off shore from there is where south evans reef is get the building in the v in the mountains behind and its about 2 mile offshore.

  3. #3

    Re: evans head

    G'Day Fishy

    Sth Reef 29.12.800s 153.25.900E, although I doubt you'll need these, follow the line of boats from the ramp and look for the fleet of boats achored to the south

    Last edited by stonecold; 21-05-2008 at 11:52 AM.

  4. #4

    Re: evans head

    Fishy, there were good schools of slimies the eastern edge of the headland closest to chaos last weekend. Early morning there were about twenty boats all chasing the bait b4 heading out.

  5. #5

    Re: evans head

    cheers fellas was looking at getting out tomorrow looks like the seas have picked up though might have to put it off a weeek

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