I hope they're right Pete. I'm looking over the weatherzone forecast for the area and seeing a slightly more pessimistic picture......but as they say, can't catch them at home so might as well be out there.
Cheers Roo.
I hope they're right Pete. I'm looking over the weatherzone forecast for the area and seeing a slightly more pessimistic picture......but as they say, can't catch them at home so might as well be out there.
Cheers Roo.
Brian, Pete it's not too late!! I still have time to make a 3rd batch of rocky road.Come on you know you want to.![]()
Picked up my reel on the weekend, it's bewdful.![]()
Got my copy of B'N'B ready for steveb to sign.![]()
Got 2 bottles of Canadian Club and a bottle of Stones packed![]()
Now all we need is that heat wave and we're all good.![]()
4 sleeps to go.
Cheers Kim.![]()
Last edited by themissus; 02-06-2008 at 11:43 AM.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
'Oh Shit.....she's awake'
Have to put the wife on a bus home on sun morn 6am so little drinkin for me sat night.At least the temp forecast looks good 23s,24 and humid.Heard a rumour foxie is going to put a c/board cutout of steve b outside the shop so every1 can get a photo wih him.![]()
Bloody oath I want to go! Unfortunately I have no booking, little money and other obligations this weekend. If all I needed were motivation and a good excuse I'd be up there like a shot on Friday night!
I reckon Brian will find a way to sneak up there for his 600th trip for the year!![]()
Kim, I hope you get the birthday pressie you want.....a metrey for you and a 99cm barra for Roo!
Stop counting the sleeps, it drives me mad as I have 87 sleeps until my next trip to Mondy. (Sh*t, the old I.B.D is kicking in again)
you lot are funny hey,.... If Foxie put a cardboard cutout of me at the front of his shop, the place would be full of girls not fishermanI have just had the boat serviced, might slip out there tommorrow for a bit recon work!! if the weather is as nice as it is today....lookin good for the weekend I reckon.
thanks peter, 13cm shouldn't make too much difference I think. Hopefully it wont muddy it up too much. I will have a look tommorrow.
Jeez hope i get a better bite than that this weekend.Go find em steve.
Maybe we shuld let up.We will be pumping steve for info after tomorrow.though if he nails up cutouts of himself it may attract bout girls and fish.
I dunno chewy, Its so much more fun than working. But I guess the benefit of hiding behind the keyboard will be removed in a few days so I could face a pasting.....not to mention the opportunity to be sent up a creek, without a paddle to score donut's....."Steve say'd it wuz this'a'way...Homer? Hoooommmmmeeeerrrrr! that you Homer?"
P.s. on a more serious note, the forecast has been improving all day. hopefully the High will move over and push that low way out to sea.
Last edited by Roo; 02-06-2008 at 04:19 PM.
Its hot as up here atm.worked up a sweat packing the boat.have to blow the froth off a couple.
One down one to go!!
Come on Pete.
We have a spare bunk or two!!
Cheers Kim.
Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
'Oh Shit.....she's awake'