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Thread: Cape Moreton Friday!

  1. #1

    Cape Moreton Friday!

    With the predicted forecast for friday, and me hassling my mate (riptide _45)to take his boat out, we thought we'd head upto the Cape to see if we could land a few snappper!!Left manly boat ramp at around 4:15am and cruised up towards the Cape, was a comfortable run up there...once we came around the corner past yellow patch, we were greeted with a little bit of slop.. wasnt uncomfortable by any means. Headed to our first mark in close, thinking we'd surely land a nice snapper on our plastics...but was not to be (not even the nuk chook). Ian a.k.a (guru) was first to hook up on what seemed to be a solid fish, only for it to take him into the was troy...and then same again, by this time the sun was well and truly up and our hope for plenty of red colour in the esky was not to be.... .

    But we persevered and slowly but surely we started gettin a few fish on board (mixed reefies mostly moses and a rogue pearly...nothing Huge...but we had fish atleast, most of the fish landed were squappers. We moved around a lil bit throughout the day and managed a few fish from different marks.headed south a lil bit and found a nice show...stilll not much action. managed a nice spangled around 3-4 kgs and another squapper(both on pearl wtmln powerbaits 5 inch), troy also landed a parrot on plastics. Headed out a little wider in hope the fish may be a little deeper...still not playing the game.

    Ian hooked onto something solid and after alot of line pullin and lift and wind action he pullled up a yellowtail kingy at about 12 kgs...great effort in 270 feet of water with a busted arm and hamstring. headed back into shallows for the dusk bite, only for a couple more moses a squire and a couple of nice estuary cod. Was a loooong day on the water and we fished hard for our result...ended up with about 20 fish. was plenty of boats out there and most of them were moving around alot...which makes us think most were having similar troubles.

    was a crackin day out there with next to no wind...even at 3 in the arv. got a piccy of spangled on my mates phone ill see if i can get a hold of it.... good fishin to yas!! trav neither plastics or bait performed better...both were pretty even.

  2. #2

    Re: Cape Moreton Friday!

    we have been fishing shallow tempest lately and the only way we can pick up snapper is on plastics but only on 3 inch swimming mullet in nuc chook, having to burley pretty hard to get em but usually bout 7ish was when we were gettin em. have been pretty picky with leader siize as well and have had to fish fairly light. alos been pciking up sweeties and the like on em as well., at least you got some fish after all that. well done cant wit to see the piccie. cheers

  3. #3

    Re: Cape Moreton Friday!

    Nice report Mate, cheers !!


  4. #4

    Re: Cape Moreton Friday!

    Thanks for that lethal..pretty interesting that you said about the smaller soft plastics...because we were throwin every colour imaginable in the 7 inch (gulps,bass assassin,salt water assassin, powerbaits) and it wasnt until i dropped to the 5 inch..that reslulted in the sweety and squire. was using 20lb leader and 1/4 - 3/8 jgheads.

  5. #5

    Re: Cape Moreton Friday!

    keenfishr, yeah we were using the same size leader and jig heads and it was the only way, i had 5 rods in the water and 3 of them small plastics and they were the only lines that got touched, lightly weighted pilly didn't get touched in 4 hours.

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