Saturday whilst trolling i was keeping my straight line. 2 elder gentlemen in a boat were downrigging to my port side headed straight for me or to cut me off... to avoid a direct collision i had to keep adjusting my line to starboard, but they kept coming. These guys were downrigging and i had my very deep diver out the back..
As they approached, they finally (in a matter of speaking) did the right thing and turned behind me, but so closely that i still don't know how their downrigger avoided my lure... I yelled out to them to stop, but they just looked at me and proceeded to continue on their very close course 10m off the stern of my boat.
Now i know i had right of way and these people who were both about 65yrs old in the boat LUNA4 clearly couldn't care for boating ettiquite... yeah, they might have had 50 years of boating under their belt but for goodness sakes, it's a big area slow down and follow the rules of the sea. One of the guys had a big santa like beard and no i won't forget your face if i see you again.
Sorry guys, i had to vent my frustration, has anyone else come across inconsiderate boaties like this.