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Thread: LOST - Offshore outfit

  1. #1

    LOST - Offshore outfit

    G'day Fellas, and Ladies,

    LOST 1 X Offshore fishing rig consisting of:

    1 X Garry Howard LBJ 15kg overhead boat rod

    TLD 20 2 speed spooled with 50 Tuff braid + 2 drooper patternoster attached

    and about a 3/4 lb snapper lead.

    WHERE - about 25 kms East of the wide bay bar in about 70 - 80 m of water.

    Yeh I know, I will put it in the rod holder next time.

    Anyway if your lucky enough to snag it there is a reward so contact me.


  2. #2

    Re: LOST - Offshore outfit

    ooh that one is gotta hurt hopefully next time you go out you hook it and bring it back up. gooodluck.

    Breaming is my LIFE!!!

  3. #3

    Re: LOST - Offshore outfit

    Good excuse to upgrade

    Retired Honda Master Tech

  4. #4

    Re: LOST - Offshore outfit

    I know your pain. Roo lost a combo over the side earlier in the year, He didn't sleep for a week. As hard as it is, don't dwell on it, it will drive you insane replaying what you should have done, over and over in you mind. Good luck with the heeling and replacement process.
    Cheers Kim
    Live your life in such a way that when your feet hit the floor in the morning, Satan shudders and says...
    'Oh Shit.....she's awake'

  5. #5

    Re: LOST - Offshore outfit

    I just spoke to my old man, and he said there is a daiwa millionaire headed our way from hervey bay. If you spot it, you can have the tuna it is attached to, but Dad wants the rod and reel back. Cause: NOT IN ROD HOLDER

  6. #6

    Re: LOST - Offshore outfit

    I'm guessing your outfit was the one that got away this time!!!!!

  7. #7

    Re: LOST - Offshore outfit

    A similar thing happened to my grandparents fishing for mackerel out of mackay about 10 years ago, but luckily enough for them they went fishing again the next day and caught their lost fishing rod. (no fish attached).. So never give up.....although the outfit may not be in the best shape if you recovered it, might make you hurt even more, so maybe just best to let it go........

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