I like your idea there Flex although the only thing I see as a big hurdle is the longer you are out of the market the harder it is to get in (well, not harder just more costly). Of course if your investment made good returns then this will offset to some degree the natural increase in property values over that same period.
I feel for a lot of young couples buying first homes atm. I thought when we built our first house (7yrs ago) that we had a big mortgage but its not like those of today. But then again, 7yrs before us was a lot better than ours and would have made ours look extreme....
Our house in 7 yrs is worth a touch over twice what it cost for the land and the structure. Had it professionally valued recently (proper valuer, not a r/estate agent) when taking over a new business.
I think the longer you are out of the market the worse off you will be. Although there are obviosuly many vairables in there too.