gday BM - yeah little boy on the way!
due in about 6 weeks!!!
what a learning curve I am in for...
Flex - enjoy the boat mate. you obviously have earnt the right to splash out and you will definitely enjoy every minute of it when you get it!!
my general thoughts on investments are - Don't discount any investment option, including buying a house and renting it out as a good tax break. you can always move in later if you settle down, or sell and hopefully make some coin.
we sold our investment property in Dec, to get out of slowing housing market and get into the depressed share market (which we just did this month).
buy the toys, but invest in sound strategies to look after the mid term future is what we have tried to do and so far, life has worked out good. I splashed out on the boat, although did not spend a lot compared to most!, but it gets me out there and is a great girl to bring me home safely.