For the life of me I cannot locate the sump drain plug on my 2006 40hp Yammie 4 stroke. Can anyone help me out with this please?
For the life of me I cannot locate the sump drain plug on my 2006 40hp Yammie 4 stroke. Can anyone help me out with this please?
Yep, there's a rubber boot and yep there's a bolt in it! Cheers and thanks a lot Mick.
be careful when you remove that sump plug, you will end up with Oil everywhere, they may have made a good Motor, but they know bugger all about that sort of thing, the pump is a good inverstment, but I have heard (and it sounds possible) that they do not pump out the last bit in the low part of the sump (where the plug is) and that is where all the crap is! so maybe pump out, then drain via the plug (maybe)
Noel I read exactly that on a maintenance website. I have searched high and low both physically and on the net to try to find that plug. And I did read on one site that covered maintenance and oil changing to do exactly as you have suggested -- pump out all you can, then pull the plug. They said to warm the engine up first, then shut her down, then lift her up to full tilt to allow the oil to drain from (behind?)the pistons, leave her there for a couple of minutes, then lower her down and proceed with oil change.
The rubber boot on my motor protudes approx 10mm so I thought I would be able to get a funnel or a container under that without too much trouble.
You're a living encyclopedia Noel!
geees not too often I get a thanks, I'm usually whinging about something and get abuse hurled at me (but I can take it) not too sure I would be wasting an extra Litre of Oil at each Oil change , but I guess it would work OK, I know that the plug is in a bugger of a place to remove without making a mess, you learn that one real quick.
Ain't that the truth, just like me V6 Camry and Cordia Turbo both near enough to up side down. So I use a plastic shopping bag taped just under the filter before I un screw it. So far I have had good results, and no longer have to de grease the motor and concrete pattern pave, after an oil change.