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Tabs v quintrex - Page 4

View Poll Results: Tabs or quintrex

76. You may not vote on this poll
  • Tabs

    52 68.42%
  • quintrex

    24 31.58%
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Thread: Tabs v quintrex

  1. #46

    Re: Tabs v quintrex

    I just re-read your name (Scungey), are you sure your not the CEO of Telwater.
    Make something Idiot proof and they make better Idiots

  2. #47

    Re: Tabs v quintrex

    Quote Originally Posted by scungey View Post
    Let'sook at some facts:

    Fact 1. Pressed plate is stronger than slab plate. fact!

    Fact 2.All the best glass hulls have variable deadrise hulls and flared hulls. Why? Because they offer the best combination of ride and stability. Quintrex is only manufacturer that can do that hull shape in alloy and pressed plate. fact.

    My opinion: To compare these two brands is ludicrous. The Tabs is a basic slab sided design...there a thousands of like designed boats. The millenioum hull is unrivalled especially in the big pressed plate Offshore models. Anyone could copy the Tabs design. Nobody not even the Japs, Chinese and Yanks can copy the Quintrex design. That's just my opinio,

    What do the experts say? Well Modern Boating has just given Quintrex alloy boat of the year 2 times running. And the big 670 Offshore SDD has just won the Alloy Boat of the Year over I guess they know a thing or two.

    To the owner of the thread.....whatever you mate do yourself a favour and go for a test ride. Ignore the dribble and tall poppy bagging and find out for yourself. good luck

    Gotta watch facts, sometimes they smell of advertising/marketing - VD hulls are a compromise they compromise the power needed for the weight, interior room and length/width of the boat with the rough water ride. So as a compromise ONLY yes they are better.

    cheers fnq

  3. #48

    Re: Tabs v quintrex

    Quote Originally Posted by SgBFish View Post
    New member your selling them right or I'll have what your smokin.
    An experience based upon fact and personal experience as a private buyer was provided here by myself. Making assumptions about the factual experiences of others only exposes your underlying ignorance and will land you into life's hot water with somebody somewhere and certainly is not needed on this forum. And no, I have never smoked (anything). Thanks for your interest.

  4. #49
    Ausfish Platinum Member
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    Nov 2005

    Re: Tabs v quintrex


    My comment was directed at Scungey’s post on 27/05/8 at 4:28pm not yours.
    I can speak from experience having owned a Quintrex. I am well aware of their build quality and ride.

    Plate boat builders over 6M are a nice market and the couple of builders I know aren’t too worried about Quintrex as competition.


  5. #50

    Re: Tabs v quintrex

    At the end of the day i think we all know that is most of the ausfish members opitions the tabs is the better rig and i can tell you i have been out in my mates and it goes reel good.

  6. #51

    Re: Tabs v quintrex

    Quote Originally Posted by tin can marlin View Post
    Looks like the tabs won this battle hands down. Great to see different peoples point of veiw. That is the great thing about ausfish people can help each other. My freind now is waiting for his new tabs and he is more than happy with his purchase.
    My brother in law bought the Quintrex Hornet Trophy 4.35 and I looked long and hard at many hulls, comparing design for ride versus structural integrity, together with cost and warranty and performance for weight and I liked the lower entry level Seascape range by TABS. I settled on the Seascape Frontier 4.52 with side console and Yamaha 60 hp Four Stroke on a heavy duty Dunbier and I am delighted by the performance. Thanks to all at Kratzmann's Marine, Burpengary for an honest good deal. Check out the sound of that Yamaha on water test...

  7. #52

    Re: Tabs v quintrex

    Graet little rig mark well done it is a credit to you. Gee i'am starting to see a lot of kratzmann's boats on the northside of brissy.

  8. #53

    Re: Tabs v quintrex

    some passionate views here
    interesting to see this later thread pop up
    "cracking quintrex'
    food for thought ....

  9. #54

    Re: Tabs v quintrex

    Quote Originally Posted by scungey View Post
    Let'sook at some facts:

    Fact 1. Pressed plate is stronger than slab plate. fact!

    As long as there the same thickness and supported by the same substructure

    Fact 2.All the best glass hulls have variable deadrise hulls and flared hulls. Why? Because they offer the best combination of ride and stability. Quintrex is only manufacturer that can do that hull shape in alloy and pressed plate. fact.

    To bad they dont frame up the hulls more to avoid flexing, oh yeh that would be to hard!

    My opinion: To compare these two brands is ludicrous. The Tabs is a basic slab sided design...there a thousands of like designed boats. The millenioum hull is unrivalled especially in the big pressed plate Offshore models. Anyone could copy the Tabs design. Nobody not even the Japs, Chinese and Yanks can copy the Quintrex design. That's just my opinio,

    There way to clever to copy a design they will have to reweld for the owner all the time!!

    What do the experts say? Well Modern Boating has just given Quintrex alloy boat of the year 2 times running. And the big 670 Offshore SDD has just won the Alloy Boat of the Year over I guess they know a thing or two.

    Obviously quintrex advertise alot in modern boating!!! We all no how these things work!

    To the owner of the thread.....whatever you mate do yourself a favour and go for a test ride. Ignore the dribble and tall poppy bagging and find out for yourself. good luck

    Out of all the laughable statements and utter SPIN contained in the above post the one that had me rolling on the floor in hysterics was the last in which you called quintrex a tall poppy!!! Talk about putting on airs and graces!!
    Alcohol doesn't agree with me, but i sure do enjoy the argument!!!

  10. #55

    Re: Tabs v quintrex

    Quote Originally Posted by Why Not View Post
    I've got a G.S Marine extreme that out performs a cracktrex and Tabs. How do I know this. I've been side by side in the same slop out from Dundee. One was a top ender and the other a side console in the 5.0m size. The quintrex looked like a cork bobbing around the Tabs went a bit better.
    G.S make a bow rider, sideconsole and centre console. Fort the price your talking you should get one on the East coast for that.

    Why Not
    I reckon you are spot on !!! I just bought the Seascape Frontier 4.52 Side Console (TABS Entry level) 3mm plate all round from Kratzmann's, Burpengary, Queensland. We visited Dundee Beach, N.T. four weeks ago - what a place ! GS Marine Extreme are tough and a fine example of Australian Boat Manufacturing achievements, but we did not have the cash this time. My brother-in-law has a Quintrex Hornet Trophy 4.35 and I felt the Seascape (TABS) plate boat was much better for about the same money as the Quintrex Hornet Trophy 4.35, especially for a bit more choppy water or distance (height) from the predators up north. I like the Quintrex hull concept and the ride, but I still think that they won't last as long as the plate boat if you are doing anything other that estuary or river work (The Quintrex Hornet Trophy 4.35 has 3.0mm bottom sides with 1.6mm top sides). I just wanted something that was stable, easy to use and would last a long time and found it very frustrating that every Quintrex dealer I approached for pricing wanted to sit me down and give a final on water price without breakdown to see what options I had for saving on some items or adding "my own touch" for ideas of wanted accessories in selecting equipment throughout the purchase process. Some dealers were just not interested in breaking down the overall cost structure, or allowing me to go with the choice of another branded engine - it was as though I had to take what they were offering "in the heat of the moment". God, I thought, I am the buyer with the money ! I just walked away and got a much better deal at Burpengary, with a longer, tougher, deeper, wider and more powerfully driven plate boat package. A smart delivery time was not compromised at Kratzmann's either, as all I could get from the Quintrex dealers was "buy the one in stock, or wait twelve weeks - your choice". Kratzmann's "blew them out of the water" with delivery time being around 4-6 weeks on a factory order for TABS.

    I can't wait to move back up to Darwin. Plenty of fish, not many people, no boat registration and lots of other nice things to enjoy - as well as a good long shower without Anna's egg timer on the shelf. Why Not You have made a great choice in the Extreme.
    Last edited by Marky69; 10-07-2008 at 09:33 AM. Reason: gramma

  11. #56

    Re: Tabs v quintrex

    Quote Originally Posted by samson View Post
    A peice of shit tin can like quintrex shouldn't be even mentioned in the same sentence as a plate boat like tabs, do yourself a favour and park a quinny at the rubbish tip if you buy one because thats where its going to end up after a year or so weak as piss.
    What a load of BS. I've never owned a Quinnie and probably never will (I'm into the poly boats), but there are plenty of them out there with happy owners getting long life out of their boats.

  12. #57

    Re: Tabs v quintrex

    megafish - I wish. just a quinnie lover getting on my high horse and arking up at some rubbish tip and tin can references. from guys that are just teeing off without substance.
    I respct marky69 as he has gone out there and looked hard at both boats and done full reseacrh. His belief is based on real experience. My belief is also based on experience as I never had any issues with my old 460 Topender and loved it. I still reckon it has the best hull and bow design. Judging by another eye opening thread though it look like Quintrex has some real build issues where as the Tabs has come up trumps in that area/

  13. #58
    Ausfish Premium Member PinHead's Avatar
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    Jun 2003

    Re: Tabs v quintrex

    Quote Originally Posted by tin can marlin View Post
    Graet little rig mark well done it is a credit to you. Gee i'am starting to see a lot of kratzmann's boats on the northside of brissy.

    Are you on commission from them or work for have carried on about them many times.

  14. #59

    Re: Tabs v quintrex

    Quote Originally Posted by BOMBIE View Post
    plate alloy 5083 =240+ mpa ,pressed alloy 5028 =96 mpa !! pressed = PROBLEMS trust me been there & still fixing it ,enough said
    I'm no metallurgist but as I understand it 5052 and 5251 (around 200 mpa) aluminium sheet and 5083 are the most commonly used for marine purposes. Haven't heard of 5028 (96mpa) Who uses this for aluminium hulls?

  15. #60

    Re: Tabs v quintrex

    If you have a good look i have given a lot of dealers a good comments and in fact i have been getting my chandlery etc from crew marine as they have been looking after me. It is just a shame you can't give credit were credit is due. I made a statement about boats i have seen at the boat ramps around the northside etc. So many people get on ausfish to put people down gee pinhead i didn't think you were one of those people as i have seen you rasie some good points etc.

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