hi i have seen quite regularly that people ask for deckies for certain days. my question is what do you expect of them, as in what do you want them to do and bring? sorry if this sounds stupid or is in the wrong section.
hi i have seen quite regularly that people ask for deckies for certain days. my question is what do you expect of them, as in what do you want them to do and bring? sorry if this sounds stupid or is in the wrong section.
Breaming is my LIFE!!!
Good question bring sense of humour and good company what ever tackle you need and help with the anchoring and help clean the boat depending on the situation chipping in with fuel money could be the go
Hope this helps
Most importantly, catch the fish!!!
My job is to put the boat on fish, its the deckies responsibility to catch and clean 'em.
Yep all the above too
listen to the Captain of the boat, his boat his rules
In recent times we have all herd and seen how quickly the ocean can turn
I second that Captain Stabin, however common sense also applies
I expect the Decky to:
Be On time![]()
Help Clean the Boat
Chip in for his fair share of the fuel/bait costs and tackle if he uses some of my gear.
Must have appropriate fishing licences(I fish in NSW some times)
Bring his own Rods.
Assist where ever he can.
I don't expect a decky to do something I wouldn't![]()
Retired Honda Master Tech
Agree with all the above also wouldn't hurt if they were female and looked good in bikini. HA HA!!
Also giving Garry a big tick.
Deckies who don't travel by those rules only travel once!
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
Yep, what Garry said.
What is interesting is that a few years ago there was a similar thread going round, and there was more than one person challenging this and saying that they do not have others chip in for their share because they were going out anyway and happy to have the company, and if you cannot afford to run it, you should not own the boat. I wonder how may with that view are still around. Particularly when an offshore trip costs $250.00 for fuel and bait. Maybe if you were doing a short bay run, but not for anything else.
Would be interested to know for those that have to tow a long way to the ramp, if they include car fuel in the overall fuel bill. I think it is reasonable to do this as it is all part of the transport to get to the fishing grounds. Particularly if you are towing say from Brisbane to Mooloolaba/Noosa/Hervey Bay. Can cost a couple of hundred in fuel just getting there. Note this paragraph is only directed to distance towing, not short towing trips.
I can afford the fuel, but I am not a registered charity, so I expect people to contribute to running/cleaning the boat. There have been exceptions to this in the past, where a person was invited by me, and I knew they couldn't afford the trip. Or if I had asked them to come in order to teach me on something specific. Then I guess it's for the company, or the learning. In both cases I have made it clear that I want no contribution, or that helping clean up will be sufficient.
I don't ask for fuel to get the boat to the ramp, it just doesn't feel right in the guts, and my guts always steer me true!
I've never asked anyone to pay for tackle they've used, and I do quite often provide it.![]()
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
Sorry, I missed the bait bit - I will always ask folks in advance to bring bait, and specify what they should bring, if it's needed.
Carbon Really Ain't Pollution.
Man, An offshore trip would cost me around $150 to deept tempest. I usually throw in bait which is $10 and tackle. I'm happy for the deckies to use my gear so long as they take care of it. Mine you , you loose the rod. you replace it with the exact copy, no questions asked.
As for fuel $50 contribution is ok with me.
A blonde female deckie wearing a bikini in her mid 20 twenties would be a bonus.
Brings a new meaning to the word Fishing!!!
Last edited by timddo; 14-05-2008 at 03:21 PM.