Has any Ausfish members used this program
Has any Ausfish members used this program
Mate of mine uses it on a PC in his bay cruiser.
Fantastic - Uses scanned charts which are much better than card type.
He has it integrated with the autopilot.
if I could work out how to use a PC in a small boat which gets wet, I would use it too. Way better than a chart plotter.
I haven't used it myself. He corresponds with the author a bit when he gets stuck, so I guess you could try that
I use Fugawi and personally find it much more effective and user friendly than Oziexplorer. I scanned in my Beacon-to-Beacon maps and calibrated them and they seem to work really well.
I used a PC (on land) to scan and calibrate all the maps. Create my routes, waypoints etc and then transfer them to either my GPS (not map based) OR my PDA.
The PDA (small handheld computer) runs a smaller version of Fugawi (but I have been using another program which is compatible called PathAway GPS lately) which displays the map, location, speed, pretty much everything you need. The PDA uses another bluetooth gps which is what gathers the position.
I have a yellow water proof case with clear soft plastic front which enables you to still operate the PDA touchscreen and still see whats going on. Awesome at night when visibility is poor. Have lost it overboard a few times and it floats so just spin around and pick it up.
Any questions give us a yell
I am using a Navionics gold card for maps, very easy to use program...I was recently given 34 000 fishing marks by an ex commercial Crab/Cray , Shark fisherman..