Is there any way of testing my oil beeper on my o4 60hp merc?
just want to make sure it works.
Is there any way of testing my oil beeper on my o4 60hp merc?
just want to make sure it works.
2 0r 4 stroke?
sorry mate i should have mentioned that in the original post.
You have 2 warnings on your engine. Overheat and low oil. There is no oil pump warning for your engine.
To test the low oil warning, locate the 2 wires coming from the bottom of the oil bottle, disconnect them and with the ignition on short the 2 wires that are in the loom (not the 2 short wires going to the bottle).
Thanks BM
Now i have another question for ya.
The motor has just come out of waranty and I'm thinking of makeing it a premixed motor.
All my dealings with oil mixers although limited have not been real flash.
so my question is.
What are the merc oil pumps like?
I'm a mechanic by trade so i understand that things break and have dramas.
But i dont want to have an unreliable 50 dollar stuffing my 6000 dollar motor.
Am i being a worry wart????
Well..... If you want an iron clad guarantee then the only answer is to remove the oil pump.
However, with the Merc system no longer having an oil pump warning device says something of the reliability of the system. Yes there may still be some isolated failures but not enough to warrant Merc fitting a warning device.
Same same for Yammies. They don't run an oil pump failure device.
Both run a crank driven oil pump and the old days of shredded crankshaft fibre gears (only happened on the V6's) is gone.
Of course anything mechanical can fail. Not just the oil injection but the whole powerhead and you cannot insulate yourself against that.
I would leave it well alone mate. Its a reliable system.
when i brought the motor the mechanic said something similar. but im a bit sceptical on what people say when they are selling a product.
i would rather get it from people in the know away from the sale.
Well now you have an independant trade opinion!
I blew my Mariner because the bloody oil buzzer didn't go off. 8 grand later i got the dealer to take the oil injection off. I have been pre mixing my own for 5 years now and dosen't miss a beat
planning the next onslaught 6.5m Profish
I'm in 2 boats. lol... we had an old Johnson, oil light came on one day so straight away we had the oil injection removed and mixed our own.... the engine started better and ran better.
However, now i run a mercury 40hp 2st which has oil injection and it starts first go every time... engine is only 8hrs old though.....
For piece of mind, if the engine is out of warrenty, then i say remove it before it breaks out at sea. but on another note, remember the old saying. If it ain't broke, don't fix it.... if you aren't having any engine problems and it's still starting and running fine then leave it.
your call.
Mate - over the years Merc have had a less enviable reputation about their oil injection going out to lunch than say Yammy, BUT the 60 2 stroke is a different story it seems. I had a 2000 model. My dealer - Brian at Wondall Rd Marine, who I trust absolutely - told me that the 60s have a very well sorted oil injection system and simply dont give them any dramas. Mine never did in the few years that I had it.
If you have your Motor Serviced reasonably regularly, then there is no reason to remove the oil Injection sytem, it is usually advised by "old timers" who do not like any change, the system works and works well, sure it my fail, but the next Oil pump failure in a 4 stroke will not be the last either, it does have catastrophic results, but there comes a time when you need to just get over it and enjoy your Boating.
Having owned a few oil injection 2 strokes, including a Johno with VRO for over 10 years, I can't understand why anyone would want to remove the oil injection system? What a pain in the ass having to pre-mix!!, I hate doing it even for the mower, so bought a 4 stroke mower instead!!
And that does not even touch on the fact that pre-mix fuel has a much lower shelf life than straight ULP and the other vagaries of self mixing!! Your motor now runs at the pre-mix ratio at all revs!!, so it smokes more at lower RPMs and you have to use a richer mix so it has enough oil for higher rpms!, so you use more oil as well!!.
Sorry, just does not make sense to me!
Sooner or later oil injection will fail, be happy if it fails and rings a bell in real time, the amount of extra work mechanics have had from just this scenario is real and across all brands. If we had never seen the likes of oil injection the extra amount of work these same mechanics would have seen from coked engines would cut across all brands as well.
Do ya feel lucky punk!
Personally I can with a little effort control the coking under premix but no one is good enough to imagine in real time a oil starved engine under injection until too late if there is no warning given, the no warning scenario also cuts across all brands.
cheers fnq