Went for a run in the cruisecraft with a fellow Ausfisher In his nice 7m Signiture and a mate of his in a 38 foot mustang for an overnighter on saturday
Conditions were excellent with a slight swell and slight winds was a magnificent trip to some ground this side of douglas where we did a few drifts with a capture of some tuskie's and a trout and some redthroat to keeps us keen as mustard.
Moving to a couple more spots so the Mustang could0 anchor before the night we mangaged some nice redthroat and spripey's and moses perch for the night.
As the wind tickled up a bit we settled into a good nights sleep on the boat and waited for the morning where we headed off to Douglas shoals for some more drifts
After a couple scores of tuskie's and about 20 undersized redthroat we moved to another spot some 5 km away , in this time the old wind started to pick up to the 15 to 20 knots so we headed for home doing one more stop for a quick drift , This only managed us with a 8 foot whaler so we headed for the harbour
Had a ball and got to met some incredible guys on both of the boats and will wait for another adventure to happen , not too soon thou as i'll be divorced if i go fishing so soon LOL![]()
Pics arn't good as i thought my crew had took some pics while i was organising the filleting table and cleaning gear to be told they forgot so only had some film on the vid